Two Nations that Changed the World
By Philip Neal

- Introduction
- Chapter One - Are the So-called “Lost” Tribes of Israel Really Lost?
- Chapter Two - The Mysterious Abrahamic Promises—Fulfilled?
- Chapter Three - The Birthright Promises Passed to Abraham’s Offspring
- Chapter Four - A Great Nation and a Great Company of Nations
- Chapter Five - The Kingdom of Israel: From Empire to Exile
- Chapter Six - Israel Goes into Captivity—Becomes the “Lost” Ten Tribes
- Chapter Seven - The Tribes of Israel Reemerge Under New Names
- Chapter Eight - Israel Migrates to the North and West
- Chapter Nine - The Tribe of Dan—Trailblazing Pioneer of Israel
- Chapter Ten - Celtic-Saxon Israel Moves into Northwest Europe, British Isles
- Chapter Eleven - The Abrahamic Promise of Judah’s Scepter
- Chapter Twelve - The Prophet Jeremiah’s Mysterious Royal Commission
- Chapter Thirteen - Modern Israel’s Astonishing Rise to Greatness
- Chapter Fourteen - The Decline of Anglo-American Influence
- Chapter Fifteen - The Shocking Moral Decline of Britain and America
- Chapter Sixteen - What Now for America and Britain?
- Epilogue
- Appendix 1 - Problems Associated with “British Israelism”
- Appendix 2 - Modern Locations of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
- Appendix 3 - Jesus’ Divine Right to the Davidic Throne
- Appendix 4 - The Three “Overturns” of Ezekiel 21:27
- Appendix 5 - Jacob’s Pillow Stone—The Prophetic “Stone of Destiny”
- Appendix 6 - The Scriptures—God’s Gift to Britain and America
- Appendix 7 - America Rapidly Losing Economic Superiority to China
- Appendix 8 - The Failure of Christianity in Britain and America
- Appendix 9 - Germany—Modern Counterpart to Ancient Assyria
- Appendix 10 - America as Ephriam—An Alternate View
- Selected Sources