In Peace or in Punishment!

Fred R. Coulter—September 28, 2024

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Let's see what we need to understand concerning God. God knows what's going on. God has prophesied how it would be, and it's taking place. We also know that:

  • if you keep the Law, you're within the Law
  • when you break the Law, you're under judgment of the Law, which is under Law

Now then, everything that we do as human beings relates to what God has done, is doing and will do! When we look at prophecy and we look at the things that are taking place and are happening:

  • in our own lives
  • in our own communities
  • in our own nation

you can judge everything based upon

  • the Laws and Commandments of God
  • the Word of God

Remember this: God is in charge!

IF the people turn to God, He will hold back on the punishment. So, right now we're at the crossroads of that in America or standing at the edge of the cliff, if you would like to make it a little closer. Here's what Christ says about Himself.

Rev. 1—what we're going to see is that He includes everything that there is in the Bible. We will see how that's applying to us today.

Revelation 1:8: "'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending,' says the Lord, 'Who is, and Who was, and Who is to comethe Almighty.'"

Everything comes from God! You need to keep that in mind. We're all going to meet God one way or the other. That's why the title, Prepare to Meet Your God, Whether in Peace or in Punishment!

He repeats it again, v 11: "…I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last…"

So, let's look at some of the prophecies that we have. Let's look first at what is happening today.

Ezek. 7 will tell you a highlight of the news. It's really getting to be kind of a desperate thing. God says that when a nation leaves God so far

Of course, we know that Jesus said we're to be on guard against false prophets! They come in the name of Christ, but:

  • they preach another Jesus
  • they preach another gospel
  • they do away with the Law

All of that eventually accumulates to where there is a great amount of sin. We find in Deut. 28 that we've covered many, many, many times that IF you don't do what God says, THEN the stranger living within you shall rise up high above you, and you will be brought very low! This is what we are seeing today, and here's how it comes:

Ezekiel 7:23: "Make a chain; for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence."

Now I've got a news report right here. It's about the chaos of vast hordes of criminals literally ruling the streets in major cities in America: Chicago, New York, Baltimore, even out in the country in Aurora, CO., a small, little city; the gangs have come there to take over, and take over the property. Also in Springfield, Ohio. Then we have another instance down in Alabama.

  • it's crime
  • it's killing
  • it's rape

All of this is coming, and that's from the hand of God as punishment!

Verse 24: "And I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses…. [walk in and take them over; that's happening today] …I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease; and their Holy places shall be defiled."

Notice what comes after that, because this is exactly what we are experiencing today, especially in the cities.

We know that sooner or later there's going to be a violent confrontation in Chicago. They have warned that all of the black community is absolutely fed up with the federal government giving money to these criminal aliens coming into the country:

  • to feed them
  • to house them
  • to clothe them
  • to give them credit cards

They don't take care of their own that's in the city!

They're going to take their guns and they're going to start killing every illegal immigrant they can find. That's just around the corner!

Verse 25: "Terror comes; and they shall seek peace, but there shall be none."

Everybody's saying, 'Oh well, we hope Donald Trump gets to be President. Well, if he gets to be President, you think about what a big job it's going to be to try and mass deport 20-million aliens!

IF there is not repentance of sin, and if there is not change by those in government to do what is right and serve the people, THEN it's only going to escalate, and it's only going to get worse.

Verse 26: "Disaster shall come upon disaster, and rumor shall be upon rumor. And they shall seek a vision from the prophet; but the Law shall perish from the priest, and wisdom from the elders."

  • Isn't that happening? We have lawless judges!
  • What does it say in Matt. 24 about lawlessness? In the last days, lawlessness shall be multiplied!
  • How is that multiplied? Because over a collective period of time, you do not punish the wrong evildoers!

You let them off. Now, they're releasing those who've committed rape, murder, thievery, no punishment to them! Then they pay them, then they feed them, and they're leaving the citizens high and dry.

  • How many of the citizens have tried to really find God?
  • How many of the citizens have tried to really find God?
  • What have the religious leaders done? We're right there looking at it right now!

Verse 27: "The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with despair, and the hands of the people of the land shall tremble. I will do to them according to their way, and according to their uncleanness I will judge them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.'"

In other words, when you come to the time that we have today,  and you look at all of the religious leaders that are there in what is called Christianity today:

  • How long have they taught you don't have to keep the Law?
  • How long have they taught that the Law is done away?
  • How long have they taught that you can break the Sabbath and keep Sunday?
  • How long have they taught that you can have Halloween, Christmas, Easter and New Years?

all of that instead of the Sabbath and Holy Days of God

  • Forever!

The judgment is coming, and everyone's going to meet God, whether in peace because of repentance or in punishment because sin continues!It's right there before our very eyes.

  • we need to understand what's coming
  • we need to understand how it's going to be

I'd like to mention here that you should have this book: True Riches of God, with the CD that goes with it.

What we have done with the Grace of God. We have three publications on the Grace of God. For the first one we have updated and made all of the audio on the CD nice and crisp and clear, thanks to Randy Vild.

  • Grace of God
  • God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping.
  • Grace Upon Grace

All of those are very important in our relationship with God!

  • How did we get to the place that we are today?
  • How did we get in the condition that the world is today.

Look at it right now, just today as we're speaking:

  • What do we have?
    • war in Ukraine
    • war in the Middle East
    • great storms, hurricanes, catastrophes hitting us
    • the crime in the cities and everything like that

That's because over a period of time people have put away God!

Whenever you put away God and His Laws, and it starts right out in the schools:

  • you can't bring a Bible to school
  • you can't teach the Bible
  • you can't pray in the schools

Then what happens? All of these laws against adultery, we just need to do away with them and have all kinds of free sex!

Now we've got 62-million abortions. I've said this over and over again, that God's judgment is coming because of it!Think on this: last year they had more abortions than any year before.

Regardless of the circumstances of it, that is the killing of another human being. WHENEVER you leave what is God—what is good—and you embrace evil as good, and THEN you have the politicians enact evil laws so there's no punishment against those who do evil, THEN you end up where we are today.

Let's see what Jesus says. Now, if you go on the religious channels tomorrow, you may hear somewhat about problems, but it's all 'if you come to Jesus, you will have peace.'

Well, God says when they say, 'peace, peace, and there is no peace, then sudden destruction comes upon them.' Sound a little bit like today?

Isaiah 30:1: "Woe to the rebellious children,' says the LORD…"—woe means:

  • trouble
  • difficulties
  • anxieties
  • despair
  • emotional upset

and every other thing under the sun!

"…'Who carry out a plan…'" (v 1).

  • Isn't that what that plan is?
  • Isn't the plan to bring us in and take us down as a nation?

Yes, and that's God's punishment because we've left God!

The world wants to bring us down into a world government, which will be Satan's last hurrah before the return of Christ.

"…Who carry out a plan, but not of Me; and who form an alliance, but not of My Spirit, that they may add sin to sin" (v 1).

  • Isn't that true?
  • Isn't that what we have? Yes, indeed!

Verse 2: "Those who set out to go down to Egypt…"—going back to all of the demonism and all of the satanism that there is!

This is exactly a prophecy for today, and we will see how it's written in the New Testament in just a minute.

Verse 8: "Now go, write it before them in a tablet, and note it in a book..."—we have it right here:

  • Do we have the book of Isaiah?
  • Do we have the Bible, which really means book? Yes!
  • Do we have it in 3,000 languages? Yes!
  • Is it the greatest distributed book in the world? Yes!
  • Will people follow it? No!

They want all the blessings. 'O God. bless me!'
But while the churches invite homosexuals in to be preachers and priests.

"…and note it in a book, so that it may be for the time to come forever and ever" (v 8).

In other words, from that time on through the rest of the history, especially of Israel and other nations of the world.

Verse 9: "That this is a rebellious people, lying children…."

How do they get to be lying? Because they are following Satan the devil, and they are not told the difference between the truth and the lie.

That's why the first warning that Jesus gave to the apostles: be on guard so that no one deceive you, because many will come in my name saying, 'I'm the Christ.'

Isn't that what we have today? In spite of all the evil that's going on, we have more fake religion than ever before. Here's the key.

"…They are children who will not hear the Law of the LORD" (v 9).

Try this. Go to any Sunday-keeping church, and you stand up in that church and tell them Sunday is sin against the Law of God. You need to start coming to church on Saturday; that's God's Sabbath. Do you think you would make it out of there without any bruises? I doubt it!

Here's what they say, v 10: "Who say to the seers, 'See not,'… [don't tell us the things that God says] …and to the prophets, 'Do not prophesy to us right things, speak to us smooth things, prophesy illusions.'"

That's exactly what the Christian formula in the fake Christianity today; is right here.

Verse 12: "Therefore, thus says the Holy One of Israel, 'Because you have despised this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and rely on them.'"

Is that what we have? Judgment is upon us right now! That's why we have all this crime. That's why we're going to have blood flowing even more in the cities.

Verse 13: "Therefore, this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant."

That's what will happen. We're teetering on the verge of this nation going down! We have so many things against us:

  • false religion
  • bad judges
  • police who can't enforce the law
  • politicians who agree in letting sin and lawlessness reign
  • religions who accept all the perverseness of Sodom and Gomorrah and say, 'Oh, aren't we lovely people?' Not so!

So God says, here's what He's going to do. It'll come to a point. It's just like when there's a fence that is kind of bowing out. Then something's going to happen and it will break, And everything will go.

Verse 14: "'And He shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is smashed in pieces. He shall not spare, so that there shall not be found in the fragments a shard to take fire from the hearth, or to take water out of the pit…. [that's what it is] …For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, 'In returning and rest you shall be saved…'" (vs 14-15).

You must come to God his way!We'll pick that up a little bit later.

Let's see another prophecy very similar to this for the last days. Of course, sin repeats over and over and over and over again down through every generation and every century. Then we come to the last days when there are billions and billions of people and sin is running rampant.

2-Timothy 3:1: ""Know this also, that in the last days perilous times shall come…"

That is difficult, trouble, all the things of rebellion. Why? Because everyone does what is right in his own eyes!

Verse 2: "For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, braggarts, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy… [that's what we have today] …without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, savage, despisers of those who are good, betrayers, reckless, egotistical, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God… [yet, they have a little frosting on the top of that cake] …having an outward appearance of Godliness, but denying the power of true Godliness…. [because they won't obey God] …But as for you, turn away from all these" (vs 2-5).

Verse 7: "They are always learning but are never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth."

What do we have today as the very epitome of this? The leading people who know all about it say it will eventually end up destroying all of us. That is AI, because what is put in there is what men have had through the centuries.

Matt. 24—we've gone over it, but we'll read it again. So we'll see how things are transpiring right now. All the other things leading up to it are all layered; they build up and build up and build up.

Matthew 24:21: "For then shall there be Great Tribulation… [it's going to be worldwide] …such as has not been from the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be again. And if those days were not limited, there would no flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake those days shall be limited" (vs 21-22).

Then He says there will arise false Christ and false prophets, show great signs and wonders. When people see those signs and wonders, they're going to say, 'Oh, this must be from God. Oh, look at that. How wonderful that is.'

If it's not according to the Word of God and if it's not of the Spirit of God, it's not of God! Satan can bring benefits.

  • Did he not promise to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would worship him?
  • Didn't he say that they have all been delivered to me and I give it to whomever I will? Yes, he did!

Satan is right in the middle of all of this, carrying that out.

Let's see how it's going to be. These days are upon us, we see it unfolding. Some places have it worse than others. Luke 21—notice as we read this how that these are the headlines that we have today.

Luke 21:8: "And He said, 'Beware that you be not deceived; for many shall come in My name, saying, "I am Christ"; and, "The time has drawn near." Therefore, do not go after them. And when you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified; for it is necessary that these things take place first, but the end will not come immediately.' Then He said to them, 'Nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom… [that's happening, has happened, will continue to happen] … there shall also be great earthquakes in different places'" (vs 8-11).

Look what has happened because of the hurricanes that have come into Florida and to Georgia and right up into South Carolina, North Carolina and East Tennessee: death, destruction!

"…and famines and pestilences; and there shall be fearful sights and great signs from heaven" (v 11).

Now then, let's see how all these things come together and what we need to do about it. The time for us is to come to God, and come to God the way that we need to! And that means that we need to come to him His way!

Let's first of all see what else is going to happen. We're going to see that all of this was prophesied. How long ago? Well, Isaiah was in the 800sB.C. So, that's getting pretty close to 3,000 years.

Now, we'll cover a lot of this next week on Thursday on the Feast of Trumpets, but let's read it here.

Isaiah 2:12: "For the Day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every proud and haughty one, and upon every exalted one; and they shall be brought low, and it shall be upon all the high and lifted up cedars of Lebanon, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, and upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up" (vs (12-14).

This is talking about governments, about people and different things, but also literally there will be the earthquakes and so forth!

Verse 15: "And upon every high tower, and upon every fortified wall."

In other words, this is going to be so all-encompassing that nobody is going to escape it.

Verse 17: "And the pride of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low; and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. And the idols He shall utterly abolish" (vs 17-18). There are plenty of those!

Verse 19: "And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth for fear of the LORD and for the glory of His majesty, when He arises to shake terribly the earth."

And we're going to see on Trumpets, He's going to shake the heavens and shake the earth in a way that we have not imagined before! So, this is quite a thing that is coming!

  • What does God want out of all of this?
  • How are people going to respond to God?
  • What are they going to do?

Let's see how it's approached here in Isa. 55!

And this is what it needs to be. People look out and see all of these things and someone comes along and says, oh, I'm going to make it nice and good. Maybe they can for a while, but unless you come to God His way:

  • What good is it going to do?
  • How long is it going to last?

Isa. 55—Here's what we need to do. Everyone!

Now, the Christianity of the world has it this way: 'Jesus, come into my life.' But Jesus says—as we will see—'Come to Me.' You have to come to God His way!

That's what it's all about; 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.' and there needs to be repentance! Now is the time before the disaster gets even worse, that you come to God:

  • in repentance
  • in obedience
  • to be baptized and to receive the Holy Spirit

That's what it has to be!

All the other schemes, all the other things that men are trying to do will be like trying to put band-aids on a great gaping wound.

Isaiah 55:6: " Seek the Lord while He may be found… [because there's a time that no one's going to find God] …call upon Him while He is near."

Verse 7 says what you need to do: "Let the wicked…"—People say, 'I'm not wicked.'

  • Do you love God?
  • Do you believe God?
  • Do you obey God?


  • Do you just look at yourself in your owngoodness and think that you're just fine?

People tell you that you are good and how wonderful that you are. But:

  • Do you keep the Ten Commandments?
  • Do you keep the Sabbath?

'remember the seventh day to keep it Holy'

  • Do you keep it from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday?
  • Do you lie?
  • Do you cheat?
  • Do you steal?
  • Do you commit adultery?

Yet, you're considered 'good' people!

Verse 7: "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts…"

  • What does that mean?
  • How is your mind?
  • What goes on in your mind?
  • What is the burning issue that is in your mind that you set your life on?
    • God is interested in your thoughts
    • God is interested in what you're going to do

You may appear to be good on the outside, but:

  • What is on the inside?
  • What is in the deep recesses of your mind?

Ezekiel 14:1: "And some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat before me."

These are the leaders. Today you would say the politician, but this applies to everyone.

Verse 2: "And the Word of the LORD came to me, saying…"—direct from God;

  • I want you to apply this to yourself
  • I want you to say to yourself:
  • What do I think?
  • How do I act?
  • What are the imaginations of my mind that no one out there except you know?

And God does know!

Verse 3: "Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts…" That's the burning issue in your mind, whatever it is!

  • What idols do you have?
  • How many do you have?

They may appear very good to you, but is it good to God?

"…and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face…." (v 3)—saying:

  • it's okay to sin
  • it's okay to lie
  • it's okay to cheat
  • it's okay to commit adultery
  • it's okay to be a sexual pervert
  • it's okay to have transgenderism

Whatever it may be!

That's why we're being invaded according to the promise of Deut. 28 about the stranger rising up among us. If 20-million aliens in this land is not strangers rising up against us in our own land, I don't know what it is. That's by the Word of God!

So what do you think in your mind? You don't like the trouble out here, but:

  • Are you willing to change what is up here?
  • Are you willing to repent to God?

That's the whole question. That's the only way you're going to meet your God in peace. That you are not fighting against Him because of your sins.

  • you believe Him
  • you obey Him
  • you love Him

That's what it has to be at this time! So God says in light of that:

"…Should I at all be inquired of by them?" (v 3).

  • Are you going to come to God laden with sin without repenting?
  • without seeking Him?
  • without truly confessing your sins?
  • without truly forsaking your sins?
  • Do you want to meet God in peace or in punishment?

They were in captivity in punishment for their sins, and yet, they had all these idols in their mind.

Verse 4: "Therefore, speak to them, and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Every man of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to the prophet; I the LORD will answer him according to the multitude of his idols."'"

I want you to think about that! I want you to think about one of the most notorious men in the news today; his nickname is Diddy. And all of his gross Sodom and Gomorrah, wild parties, orgies, that he has done for years and years and years!

  • How many people has he hurt?
  • How many people have been destroyed?
  • How many people went in there and agreed with him?

Listen, if you want to know the truth, Satan the devil owns Hollywood's 'lock, stock, and barrel.' So you come to the prophet. I the Lord will answer him according to the multitude of his idols. So that's the key.

  • What do you think?
  • What is on your mind?
  • How are you going to come to God?

Verse 5: "So that I may take the house of Israel in their own heart because they have deserted Me for their idols—all of them."

  • What is the big idol of Protestantism and Catholicism? Sunday and holidays!
  • What are you going to do? Christmas is coming!
  • What are you going to do? New Year's is coming!
  • What are you going to do? I've already covered about Halloween!

That comes first! Isn't it interesting that the first day of Satan the devil is a death day, celebrating death and indoctrinating children with candy and all of the nice little things; starting to set up idols in their minds!

Verse 6: "Therefore, say to the house of Israel, "Thus says the Lord GOD, 'Repent…'"

That's what we need. You need to take the Word of God, the Ten Commandments of God and get on your knees before God Himself alone in the privacy of your own home and confess your sins and repent! You come to God so that you can be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. Now is the time to do it.

"…'Repent and turn yourselves from your idols, and turn away your faces from all your abominations'" (v 6).

Isn't that what we have? Yes indeed! Ninety percent of all the advertisements on television have some sort of sexual innuendo in it, I always mute every single commercial that comes. I analyze them; there are subtle sexual innuendos in every single one.

Verse 7: "For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger who lives in Israel, who separates himself from Me and sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to a prophet to ask of him concerning Me; I the LORD will answer him Myself."

He's telling you, you are going to have great trouble in your life and you're not going to be able to recover from it. That's how you're going to meet God!

It says in Amos 4:12: "…prepare to meet your God, O Israel!'"

This I say to everyone who will listen. Not just the church members who listen in. You take this message and you take it out and have others listen to it. They need to hear. They need to understand that what is happening in America and in the world, but especially in America, in our cities, in our towns, in our states, and in our countries is all because of idols in the heart and people going their own way and loving their own abominations and turning from God. Now notice what will happen:

Ezekiel 14:8: "And I will set My face against that man, and I will make him for a sign and for a proverb. And I will cut him off from the midst of My people; and you shall know that I am the LORD…. [that's what we have today: idols in the mind] … And the prophet, if he is deceived, and he speaks a word, I the LORD have deceived that prophet. And I will stretch out My hand upon him and will destroy him from the midst of My people Israel. And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity; the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeks unto him" (vs 9-10).

Now this is what God wants from all of us when we repent.

Verse 11: "'So that the house of Israel may never again go astray from Me, nor be defiled again with all their transgressions, but that they may be My people, and I may be their God,' says the Lord GOD."

  • Do you want to meet God in peace or in
  • punishment?
  • Do you want to love God or have God's correction and heavy hand against you?
  • Do you want to obey God or live in your sin?
  • Do you want to confess and get rid of your sins or hold them tight so you can continue to live in them because you think they're good?

Isaiah 55:6: "Seek the LORD while He may be found…"

You've got to come to Him! There's no other way! He's not going to come to you because you want Him to. You must come to Him first by repenting of your sins, which are the transgressions of God's Law and the rejection of the Word of God!

"…call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon" (vs 6-7).

A lot of people will say, well, what do I do when I get rid of all of these thoughts? Well, that's why you have the Bible. My first suggestion is to you, if you're brand new and you don't know anything about it but you're convicted because of your sins and you see where you have sinned. Start with the book of Proverbs chapter one and you read it, read it, read it all the way through the 31 chapters and that will give you a foundation of what you need to do and what you need not do.

Verse 8: 'For My thoughts… [the Bible is the Word of God, His thoughts] …are not your thoughts… [because those are your idols] …nor your ways My ways,' says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts" (vs 8-9).

God wants to give you the things that will help you rise above all of the sin:

  • to help you know what is true
  • to help you know who is the true Christ
  • to help you know what you need to do
  • to help you know how to live your life

He likens it to rain coming down in a dry land!

Verse 10: "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, and does not return there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, and gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My Word be, which goes out of My mouth…" (vs 10-11).

What did Jesus say? Matthew 4:4: "…'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"

See how the New Testament agrees with the Old Testament. He says:

Isaiah 55:11: "…it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall certainly do what I sent it to do."

Isaiah 56—this is the first step.

  • What do you do after you confess your sins?
  • Get up and go and keep living in the same way that you have been living?

NO! You've got to change the way that you live and change your thoughts. One of the first things we find right here is this, and this is an end time prophecy for today.

Don't let anyone ever tell you that the Sabbath is for the Jews alone. That is the biggest lie in the world! The Jews never keep the Sabbath the way that God wants it kept, because they reject Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Isaiah 56:1: ""Thus says the LORD, 'Keep justice and do righteousness; for My salvation is near to come, and My righteousness to be revealed." The second coming of Christ!

Here's where you start. Coming out from under the curses and penalties of sin and coming to God and begin to receive the blessings of God. Here it is right here.

Verse 2: "Blessed is the man who does this…"

Are you willing to do this? This is where you start! You don't start any place else after you have confessed your sins. Why? Let's read it!

Verse 2: "Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it; who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it…"

That's what we have today. From Friday night sundown to Saturday night sundown, we have all the activities in the world from sports and business and profit and pleasure and everything like this against the Sabbath of God!

And you don't think that God isn't going to judge us because of that? Huh? Yes, it's coming!

"…who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil" (v 2).

What is evil? Evil is breaking and transgressing the Laws of God!

Then He says of the stranger, because someone's going to say, well, the Sabbath is for the Jews, as I've mentioned, and Sunday is for the Gentiles, the stranger. Well, God says this about the stranger.

Verse 3: "And do not let the son of the stranger, who has joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, 'The LORD has utterly separated me from His people.' And do not let the eunuch say, 'Behold, I am a dry tree.' For thus says the LORD, 'To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths…'" (vs 3-4). Maybe you've never heard these days:

  • Passover
  • Unleavened Bread
  • Pentecost
  • Trumpets
  • Atonement
  • Feast of Tabernacles
  • Last Great Day

Those are all the Holy Days of God! Those are all the days that tell us what God is doing! How many will keep them?

"…who keep My Sabbaths, and choose things that please Me, and take hold of My covenant" (v 4).

Verse 6: "Also the sons of the stranger, who join themselves to the LORD to serve Him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be His servants, everyone who keeps from profaning the Sabbath, and takes hold of My covenant."

Are you ready to meet God? Because:

  • You're going to meet Him either in peace, through repentance and baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, and living by every Word of God!


  • You're going to meet Him in disaster, in trouble, in terrible things, and death!

That's the two ways you're going to meet God!

  • in peace


  • in punishment

That's what's set before us today in the world, not only in America, but in every country that there is, regardless of who you are, regardless of where you live. The Word of God is for everyone! So, it is up to everyone.

  • Will you choose God?


  • Will you choose the idols in your mind and Satan the devil?
  • What is it that you will do?

Scriptural References:

  • Revelation 1:8, 11
  • Ezekiel 7:23-27
  • Isaiah 30:1-2, 8-10, 12-15
  • 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 7
  • Matthew 24:21-22
  • Luke 21:8-11
  • Isaiah 2:12-15, 17-19
  • Isaiah 55:6-7
  • Ezekiel 14:1-7
  • Amos 4:12
  • Ezekiel 14:8-11
  • Isaiah 55:6-11
  • Matthew 4:4
  • Isaiah 55:11
  • Isaiah 56:1-4, 6

Scripture referenced, not quoted: Deuteronomy 28

Also referenced:

Book: True Riches of God {}

In-Depth Studies {}:

  • Grace of God
  • God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping.
  • Grace Upon Grace

Transcribed: 10-2-24

Copyright 2024—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.
