Fred R. Coulter—November 7, 2015
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Greetings, everyone! Welcome to this part of the Sabbath services.
{comments on new book: From a Speck of Dust to a Son of God}
This is quite a statement, Psalm 119:73: "Your hands have made me and formed me…" Think about that for a minute. Why would he say that? How could that be? The Bible tells us that God formed Adam from the dust of the ground! Then He took a rib and made Eve. All the rest of us come from Adam and Eve, 'As in Adam we all die.'
The truth of the matter is that God put the genes and chromosomes within Adam and Eve to pass on for their offspring through procreation. It is formed by God's hand because He made the original genes and chromosomes, which has such a broad diversity that it covers all races, all individuals and everyone is of its own identical existence.
In police work they catch them with DNA. Everybody has DNA; where did that come from? It came from God! When you are conceived there are three things that take place:
- father
- mother
- God
In the procreation of every human being the father provides the genes and chromosomes—either male or female—and the mother provides the other half of it. The mother does not determine the sex, the father does.
When there is begettal, then something else takes place. That is the receiving of the spirit of man. That's why it says in Job that the Spirit of God formed me; God is the One Who does it! Since the original came from His hands and we are all replications of the original, God formed us; God made us! That's a real key to understanding about the purpose of life.
We're moving along with the book. I have one last thing to cover: Is abortion a forgivable sin? The answer is yes, IF there is repentance! That's the last thing that I have to write. Everything is all ready to go. Between finishing it up, getting all of the colored pictures and things, it's really going to be a 'hum-dinger' of a book. I think that this cover tells it all. There is the infant and then you have the spiral of the genes and chromosomes. That's symbolic of going back to Adam and Eve.
Another thing that's important to realize with this: husband and wife are to become one flesh. That is true. Here's the unique thing that God does. Every one of us have 46 genes and chromosomes that make up the DNA—23 from mother, 23 from father—and the spirit of man from God. The true one body—half from father, half from mother—is the one flesh. It extends just beyond marriage, marriage relationships and things like that. It goes to your children. They are the half of mom and the half of dad, which is one flesh. It's interesting how all of those things come along.
We're going to do some study in the book of Psalms. First of all, I want to mention a couple of things that are very important. Jesus said, 'The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life, the flesh profits nothing.'
It is the spiritual intent of the words as well as the spiritual meaning that we receive from them. Those things cannot be understood unless 'rightly divided' and 'line upon line; precept upon precept; here a little, and there a little' and properly put together by 'rightly dividing' the Word of God.
The book of Psalms is a fantastic book from this point of view: We understand the personal relationship that God had with the patriarchs, especially with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There was not that close, personal relationship again until David. David was 'a man after God's heart.' It doesn't say that of any other man. It doesn't mean he was perfect, as we know by his actions. However, the Psalms also tell us about the personal relationship we are to have with God.
If you are having trouble growing, overcoming, praying and studying, then spend a lot of time in the Psalms and also on your knees with the Psalms. Use these to help you establish a personal relationship with God. When you go through the book of Psalms, it's possible to have the structure of the Holy Days and to put a lot of the things of the Psalms into the fulfillment or parts of the Holy Days.
A great deal has been revealed 'in part' in the book of Psalms. However, there are some things where we can see the whole plan of God. Also, it ties in with something very important that God has said. He said, 'I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending.' We find that in Isa. and in Rev., especially. A good number of these things can be related directly to the book of Revelation as well as other books.
Psalms 1:1: "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the Law of the LORD; and in His Law does he meditate day and night" (vs 1-2). You look at that verse. What can you tie to this from other Scriptures? You can tie in a lot of things! Receiving the Holy Spirit of God (Heb. 10), written in your heart and in your mind, etc.
Verse 3: "And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaf shall not wither, and all that he does shall prosper." That is true physically. That is true spiritually.
We want the prosperity of the spiritual. That's what's important, because it says in Psa. 19 and also Psa. 119, that the Word of God cannot be compared to gold or fine gold! The ultimate result is that we are going to be born again into the Kingdom of God as spirit beings. That also must have to do with the genes and chromosomes that we have received. How God is going to work that out, we don't know, but we'll find out when the resurrection takes place.
Verse 4: "The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff, which the wind drives away. Therefore, the wicked shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish" (vs 4-6). Where does the ultimate finality of this take place? Rev. 20! The resurrection—resurrected saints—is talked about in Rev. 11, 15 & 19, and then we're going to rule with Christ.
Psa. 2—we have all about God's redemption of the world and the rebellion of the world! Right there in that one Psalm You can tie this together with many things.
Psalm 2:1: "Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain?" To show you how living this Scripture is, doesn't this describe this age? Yes, indeed it does!
Verse 2: "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Christ, saying, 'Let us break Their bands asunder and cast away Their cords from us'" (vs 2-3).
- Sound a little bit like Rom. 1?
- Sound a little bit like Gen. 11?
- Sound a little bit like the problems of Israel and Judah?
- Sound like the problems of all the nations of the world?
- Yes, indeed!
God knows! It doesn't bother God; He's got His plan. They don't know it; they don't understand it.
Verse 4: "He who sits in the heavens laughs; the LORD scoffs at them. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and in His fury He terrifies them" (vs 4-5). God has done that periodically down through history—hasn't He? Yes, indeed! Without a doubt!
He did that with the Flood in Noah's day. He did that with the nations that rise and fall, the kingdoms that rise and fall, and when we get to the end, Satan is going to bring them all together in a one-world system. That's what's happening in the world today that we see going on. What I want us to do, as we're going through it, is to realize that everything in the Bible fits together.
Verse 6: "Yea, I have set My king upon Zion, My Holy mountain…. [when He blessed David;, when Christ returns] …I will declare the decree of the LORD. He has said to Me, 'You are My Son; this day I have begotten You'" (vs 6-7)—prophecy of Christ.
We're seeing the fulfilling of the Scripture in Isa. 28, 'a little here, a little there, line upon line, precept upon precept.'
Verse 8: "'Ask of Me, and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession…. [establishing the Kingdom of God on earth] …You shall break them with a rod of iron…'" (vs 8-9). How's Christ going to return? It's going to be in power!
Listen, brethren, just reading the book of Revelation, plus all the prophecies in the Old Testament that are attached to those things, this world's going to be in a terrible, terrible, terrible shape. Just reading Rev. with all the earthquakes that take place, when He says, 'The mountains shall not be found, the valleys shall be raised' (Isa. 40). There's going to be a lot of work to do when you stop and think of all those people who survive through it. If you think there are people with problems today, just wait, but we will have the power to heal them!
So, "…break them with a rod of iron…" You can put in there:
- the seven seals
- the seven trumpet plagues
- the seven last plagues
- the final battle (Rev. 19).
All of those things fit in.
Verse 10: "Now therefore, be wise, O kings… [Nebuchadnezzar was for a while] …be admonished, O judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you perish in the way, for His wrath can flame up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him" (vs 10-12). So, right through here we go back and forth connecting the different prophecies that cover the whole Bible.
I have six pictures of sand magnified 250 times. I'm still trying to find a place to put it in the book because there were two categories of seed for Abraham.
- as the sand of the sea (Israel)
- as the stars of heaven (those who will be in the Kingdom of God)
—the spiritual sons and daughters of God. That's called—I devote some time to it in the book—the sonship of God.
That sand as you look at it and it has a glory of its own. It looks like a mini-mini of what you see in the universe. It has the colors and the clearness, and so forth. Just little 'ole sand. How many have been to Florida and have seen the white sand there? You see what it looks like magnified? Crystal clear! An amazing thing! The black sand of Hawaii is red from the iron from the lava. Other sand also looks like jewels. Other sand looks like the coral with all the colors.
You look at that and you think, 'What a fantastic thing that God did just for sand!' Look at all the things that we can make out of sand. This building is made out of sand, gravel, concrete and steel.
Let's see a little 'blimp' of understanding. We will see that one verse is so powerful that most translators didn't want to translate it correctly.
Psalm 8:1: "O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens! Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings You have ordained strength because of Your adversaries, to silence the enemy and the avenger" (vs 1-2). You can put a lot of parallel in there:
- Are we not the children of God?
- Are we not to be humble, yielded and meek and all those sorts of things? Yes, indeed!
- Are we, when we're resurrected, going to silence all the adversaries?
- Is not Christ going to have Satan the devil put away? Yes!
You can see many, many thing in here. That's why you just can't pick up the Bible, read it and understand it. That's why we have to study and study, restudy and restudy, go over and put things together in a way that brings the Word of God alive. I don't think there is a person in the world that if they did this, would really believe that we evolved from green slime and mud:
Verse 3: "When I consider Your heavens… [if you've can get out there and see it; it's hard in Southern California with all the smog and fog] …the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have ordained." We're going to have 14 pictures that are going to be depictions of the glory of those who are called, chosen and faithful when they are resurrected. It's going to be stunning!
Verse 4: "What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?" You look at the world and how it's going and you think: How can there be a God with all of these things going on? God says:
- I gave you choice
- you can chose life
- you can chose death
- you can love Me
- you can live your life
As I've pointed out, just like the waves of the ocean, God has His laws. They function automatically, just like the tide, it comes in:
- high tide/low tide
- high, high tide/low, low tide
…every 24 hrs., and the tide cycle through the time of day, because it's not exactly 24 hrs, so that's how everything is kept going.
- Have you ever wondered about the oceans?
- Have you ever read the verse that says, 'the rivers of the sea'?
- Do you know what 'the rivers of the sea' are?
That is the great movement of the ocean that exchanges the water from currents from the top and takes them down deep, sends them around the world and then brings them up again. It's just like a vast river. An amazing thing!
So, what is man that You care for him? So much care that if you lived at a time when salvation was not offered, that God is going to give those people an opportunity for salvation. How's that? Lots of times you have to think beyond just what the Words are saying right here and expand it out.
Verse 5: "For You have made him a little lower than God…" Most translations say 'angels' because they couldn't handle the fact that the Greek here is 'Elohim' or God.
Why did He make us a little lower than God? We're made in His image and His likeness and the ultimate purpose of God is after His kind! That's why He made us lower than Himself. What does this facilitate? The coming of Christ! God loved mankind so much that He came and gave His life. Look what He gave up! Everything! For what? So that we can become like Him! That's the whole amazing story of the Bible and why you were born.' So, as you read the title: From a Speck of Dust to a Son of God: Why Were You Born?…
"…and have crowned him with glory and honor" (v 5). Somewhere I've got to put the pictures of the magnified sand because it shows the glory. Man has a certain amount of glory and has a certain amount of honor, and so forth.
Verse 6: "You made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet… [this is quoted in Heb. 2.] …All sheep and oxen…" (vs 6-7)—and it lists all the things there.
Psa. 15—many elements here. As you go through all of these Psalms, you will see some of the keys to the personal relationship that you can have with God:
- how you can pray
- how you can ask God to help you
- how you can praise Him
- thank Him
- love Him
- know that He understands all about your troubles
Look up how many times in Psa. the word trouble/troubles appears or is used. The word trouble is used 31 times in the Psa. Look up help and helper. There are so many Psa. in there, 'Oh, Lord. I'm in trouble. Help me!' That's how you're to pray to God. Why do these things come upon us? Because God wants to know:
- Do we love Him?
- Do we trust Him?
- What are we going to do?
The word help/helper appears 38 times in the Psa.
You can put Psa. 15 together with many things in Isa. and Rev. and tie that together with, 'made a little lower than God.'
Psalm 15:1: "LORD, who shall dwell in Your tabernacle?… [that's ultimately going to be New Jerusalem] …Who shall dwell upon Your Holy hill?" When John saw the vision of New Jerusalem coming down it was on a high mountain, an exceedingly high mountain.
Verse 2: "He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart; He does not slander with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor; in whose eyes a vile person is despised… [their actions.] …but he honors those who fear the LORD; he who swears to his own hurt and does not change it; he who has not put out his money at usury, nor has he taken a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved" (vs 2-5). Notice that it doesn't tell us when. So, Psa. 15 can be projected clear to the end of the book of Rev.
There are a lot of chapters that have to do with the Passover. We'll just mention those in passing.
Psalm 16:10: "For You will not abandon My soul to the grave…" What did Peter say of David? That he is dead and buried, and his grave is here today! Look how far forward that this statement reaches, clear to the first resurrection.
"…neither will You allow Your Holy One [Christ] to see corruption. You will make known to Me the path of life…" (vs 10-11). You can apply that in two ways:
- to the life that you're living in the commandments of God now
- think of what we're going to learn when we're resurrected and in the Kingdom of God as spirit beings
That's hard to think about because it takes a spirit mind and a spirit body to be able to appreciate it. Look how far forward that goes. This also applies to Christ.
"…in Your presence is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (v 11). Again, a taste of the Kingdom.
What we find is 'a little here, a little there, a line here, a line there, a precept here, and a precept there.' God gave many, many clues concerning His plan to David. Just a bit here:
Psalm 17:15: "As for me, I will behold Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Your likeness." That's quite a statement, applicable in two ways:
- to David when he's resurrected
- to Christ when He was raised from the dead
And it can be applied yet a third way
- to us when we're resurrected
- we will see Christ
- we will see the Father
- we will be in Their likeness
In reading the Bible, I read all of the chronologies. I will just wager—because I know I'd win the bet, so I'm not risking anybody's money—that not one in ten thousand will listen to every word in every chronology.
What do you do when you read the Bible? 'Oh, there's a chronology, let's get to something important.' The chronologies are there for the physical and legal proof that Jesus was indeed the Christ and where the nations came from.
You read the genealogy in Luke 3, about the genealogy of Jesus. That is different than Matt., because Luke 3 is the genealogy concerning Mary's father. Joseph, the husband of Mary, did not beget Christ. That line stopped with Joseph, and that came through Solomon. The inheritance that came down through Mary came from her father to her, and then going back from her father, is all the genealogy of Christ, it ends up with Adam, the son of God. So, God took care of the literal, the spiritual and the legal.
Psa. 20 is one of my favorites, which shows that God also gives us choices. What do I mean by that?
I remember talking to Gary Staszak, who helped write some of the commentary for the New Testament and we used it also in the Bible. He lives in Maryland and he decided to study Greek. He's done a very good job at studying Greek and he's learned it quite well. We still communicate back and forth. He was astonished that his Greek professor actually explained John 3:16 correctly.
If you have a King James it doesn't read this way and there's a reason. It uses the word 'should' instead of 'may.' Should is very close to shall. May leaves room. Why? The Greek here is very interesting because it is in the subjunctive! Subjunctive is almost like an if clause. There are 1700 of them in the Bible and apply almost to all of us. If means there are conditions. May means you have permission or God is granting it, but there are conditions to fulfill, because it's in the subjunctive. It is not a direct thing: If you believe in Jesus, you shall be saved. NO!It reads this way:
John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish, but may have everlasting life." Likewise, here in Psa. 20, may is not that God will answer! What if your prayer is an abomination?
Psalm 20:1: "May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble, the name of the God of Jacob set you on high, may He send you help from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion… [God intervening in your life] …May He remember all your offerings and accept your burnt sacrifice…" (vs 1-3). Of course, we're to be a living sacrifice.
Verse 5: "We will shout for joy in your victory, and in the name of our God we will set up banners. May the LORD fulfill all your prayers."
How many 'mays' are in the book of Psalms? Everything that we do comes from God and we recognize that. Everything! There are 1,397 mays in the Bible and 95 in the book of Psalms. We covered just a couple of them.
(go to the next track)
It talks about the Lake of Fire, Psalm 21:8: "Your hand shall find all Your enemies; Your right hand shall find those who hate You. You shall make them as a fiery oven in the time of Your anger; the LORD will swallow them up in His wrath, and the fire shall devour them" (vs 8-9). There you go, ultimate Lake of Fire. This can also happen with fire, with war, with getting rid of the enemy, and so forth, but this is the ultimate fulfillment of it.
Psa. 22 is one of the most astounding Psalms. This is so astounding because it actually brings out the very words of Christ while He was dying on the cross. Isn't that something?
Psalm 22:1: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me, and why are You so far from helping Me, and from the words of My groaning?" How many people have been out there and say, 'God where are you? What's happening?' They don't know! Jesus had to experience that to know the depths of despair of human nature. That's why you find that He said that when He was on the cross.
Verse 6: "But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men and despised by the people." Notice the very words and actions that were against Christ while He was on the cross:
Verse 7: "All who see Me mock Me; they shoot out the lip; they shake the head, saying, 'He trusted on the LORD; let Him deliver Him; let Him rescue Him, since He delights in Him!'" (vs 7-8). What'd they say? The last thing the priests, scribes and Pharisees said, 'If You are the Christ, come down off the cross and we will accept You.' No! He had to die!
- Why did He have to die?
- Why did God have to die?
Not only as the sacrifice for the sins of all human beings, but:
- Why did He have to die?
- Couldn't He have done it another way?
- What was the judgment that God gave to Adam and Eve because they sinned?
Also, human nature became hostile against God. God judged Himself with the same judgment that He gave Adam and Eve. Think of that! That is quite a thing. I have this in the book From a Speck of Dust to a Son of God: Why Were You Born? Why did He have to die? Because He sentenced all human beings to die in Adam! He judged Himself with the same judgment. How fair is that? A lot of people say that God's not fair. Try that on for size.
- Did Jesus in the flesh have the law of death within Him? Yes!
- Did He die? Yes, He did!
- What if He came and took a nature that was not exactly the same nature that we have?
- Would that be just?
- Would that be fair?
Paul talks about the 'law of sin and death' (Rom. 8). We need to understand the very power of God's judgment and what Christ went through. The Protestants don't have a clue. The Catholics never even got into the stadium, let alone to play. This is encouragement for us because we need to overcome.
Romans 8:1: "Consequently, there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who are not walking according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." That's what we are doing:
- by keeping the commandments of God
- by loving God
- by having His Spirit
- by overcoming the sin within
It's God's Spirit within us that is convicting us of the sin within.
Why do we as Christians still have evil thoughts? Because they're in our head! We have to have our minds cleansed, reprogrammed with the Spirit of God. It won't end until death and the resurrection. Isn't that something? If you wonder why an evil thought comes into your mind, that's a temptation!
- Are you perfect? No!
- What do you do? You repent of it!
- you ask God to help you to overcome
- you ask God to help wash it out of your mind
- What's the best way to get it washed out? With the Spirit of God, with the Word of God!
—the two together.
"…there is now no condemnation…" if we repent of our sins! We have direct access to God through the grace of God.
Sidebar: The grace of God is so important, we have three transcript studies on the grace of God:
- Grace of God in the Bible
- God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping
- Grace upon Grace
That is astounding!
Think of it brethren. Here we are physical beings with all the difficulties and problems we have—whatever it is—and God knows.
- God is working with us
- He's forming us
- Christ is being recreated within us
- we look forward to the Divine nature
That's why we can come to God and repent. You're not out lying, cheating, stealing, committing adultery, but you've got the thoughts in the mind, which is the law of sin working within. I'm bringing this out because it's a very important thing for us to understand.
Verse 2: "Because t …" begins with:
- answering the call
- repentance
- baptism
- receiving the Spirit of God
- letting the Spirit of God lead us and cleanse us
That is the 'law' inner-working in our minds, which leads to life in Christ Jesus.
"…in Christ Jesus has delivered me from the law of sin and death" (v 2). He didn't take it away but He gave you the tools to overcome it. He gave you His Spirit, He gave you His Word and He wants our full participation in it. That's quite an amazing thing! How did He say we are to love God?
- with all our heart
- with all our mind
- with all our soul
- with all our being
- with full, active participation
That's how you are delivered from it. He didn't remove it. He gave you the power and His Word, which are the tools working together with God's Spirit, to overcome it. You must be fully involved in doing it, too. That's quite a thing!
Verse 3: "For what was impossible for the Law to do…" Did the Law ever make anyone do anything? No, because the law is powerless!
"…in that it was weak through the flesh, God, having sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh…" (v 3). What does that mean? The Greek is likeness—'homoiomati'—the same exactness. This means that Jesus had within Him, in addition to the 'law of death,' the law of sin, but He could not sin even once! That's what Christ has done for us.
He judged Himself with the same judgment that He gave Adam and Eve—came in the flesh, had sin within—the 'law of sin.'
"…and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh… [Whose flesh? Christ's flesh!] …in order that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who are not walking according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" (vs 3-4). That is a phenomenal thing to understand!
Psa. 22—Christ understood the whole process, here. You can apply this to David on some of the verses but remember it's, 'line upon line, a little here and a little there.' As you go through some of the Psalms some of the things apply directly to David. Some of them duality: to David and to Christ. Others to Christ alone; all layered within the Psalms.
Psalm 22:9: "For You are He who took Me out of the womb, causing Me to trust while on My mother's breasts." Just put in your notes there, Isa. 50. God woke up Jesus and taught Him every day, every morning.
Verse 10: "I was cast upon You from birth; You are My God from My mother's womb. Be not far from Me; for trouble is near, for there is none to help. Many bulls have encircled around Me…" (vs 10-12). These are all the demons. Imagine what was going on there in Jerusalem.
Satan thought that if He could kill Christ, then He would have the power to overthrow God! You can imagine! They were circling the cross. I don't think humans could hear what they were saying, but you can imagine.
Col. 2 says that He overcame the principalities and powers in 'it,' the crucifixion. So, His death, because He was Creator—created the angels and the ones who rebelled—He also had to take care of those sins, which He did when He died. He took care of those and He took care of the sins of all human beings. Quite a thing!
"…strong bulls of Bashan have surrounded Me. They opened wide their mouths at Me, like a ravening and a roaring lion. I am poured out like water, and all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of My bowels…. [just everything going out] …My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and My tongue clings to My jaws; dogs have surrounded Me… [those who were there against Him] …a band of evildoers have encircled Me; they have pierced My hands and My feet; and You have brought Me into the dust of death. I can count all My bones… [He could look down and see His ribs after being scourged] …they look and gloat over Me. They divide My garments among them and cast lots upon My vesture" (vs 12-18).
God made the soldiers do it. They had no clue what they were doing.
Verse 19: "But You, O LORD, be not far from Me; O My strength, hasten to help Me!" Then it blends into the resurrection.
Psa. 23—I liken this to the form of prayer that Jesus prayed when He was resurrected in the tomb. Psa. 24 is the resurrection.
Just think of this: God gave all of this to David! I imagine after David wrote Psa. 22, that he wondered, 'Why did I say that?' David didn't have his hands and feet pierced. He didn't count his ribs. Magnificent thing! This is what I like here:
Psalm 24:1: "The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness of it, the world, and those who dwell in it, for He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in His Holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to vanity and has not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face, O God of Jacob. Selah" (vs 1-6). You can apply that to all who are seeking God down through history.
Verse 7: "Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up…" Remember. He was raised from the dead and ascended to the Father. This is what happened when He ascended to the Father. Imagine what the angels were doing. Imagine that they were watching all of this going on. Quite a thing! He's coming to the Father. When you read Rev. 4 & 5, you can see the picture of it and think it.
"…O you everlasting doors; that the King of glory may come in" (v 7). Now God's plan can be carried out to its fullness.
Verse 8 "Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle." He just won the battle of the universe by overcoming Satan the devil, sin and death! That's quite a thing!
Verse 9: "Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you everlasting doors; that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory…" (vs 9-10). He is going to share all of that with us!
What I want you to do is take this little bit of introduction that we've had here concerning some of the things with the Psalms and see how it expands out through the whole Bible. They call this in website terminology: links.
Brethren, God has called us to a great and fantastic calling! Always keep your mind on what God wants:
- pray to Him
- study His Word
- yield to Him
- pray for all the saints and all the Churches
Scriptural References:
- Psalm 119:73
- Psalm 1:1-6
- Psalm 2:1-12
- Psalm 8:1-7
- Psalm 15:1-5
- Psalm 16:10-11
- Psalm 17:15
- John 3:16
- Psalm 20:1-3, 5
- Psalm 21:8-9
- Psalm 22:1, 6-8
- Romans 8:1-4
- Psalm 22:9-19
- Psalm 24:1-10
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Hebrews 10
- Psalm 19
- Revelation 20; 19; 11; 15
- Romans 1
- Genesis 11
- Isaiah 28; 40
- Hebrews 2
- Luke 3
- Isaiah 50
- Colossians 2
- Revelation 4; 5
Also referenced:
Book: From a Speck of Dust to a Son of God: Why
Were You Born? by Fred R. Coulter
Sermon Series:
- Grace of God in the Bible
- God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping by
- Grace Upon Grace
FRC: nfs
Transcribed: 11-19-15
Proofed: bo—11/23/15
Copyright 2015—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.