(Sabbath Before Passover—Live)
Fred R, Coulter—April 9, 2022
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Greetings everyone! Welcome to Sabbath services! I want to talk, first of all, how Satan and his minions are coming out in the open and they have been there all the time.
It's manifesting itself now in gender change in elementary schools. Tucker Carlson—April 8—was shocking what they are doing, and what it reveals is this: When Satan is allowed to get in control, and all of those who follow him… Remember that many of the teachers are witches! One of them was interviewed and said that they don't care what the law is and how they are passing laws to not teach things of sex to kindergartners through the third, fourth or fifth grade; that they were going to do it anyway! That's what we're up against!
They control the state legislatures in all the Democrat states. Add this to what I just said. In all the Democrat states they are passing abortion laws to allow a woman to abandon the baby after it's born and let it die up to 28 days after birth!
When a society gets to that point, with all of these terrible things going on, those of you have children: give them home schooling! They can get the best education at home. It's like one-to-one tutoring, and you can know what the curriculum is as you go forward.
If you send them off to the public school, they're going to indoctrinate them into everything satanic, and they have the full backing of Walt Disney! You need to consider: do not trust anything from Walt Disney! You need to understand that if your children or teenagers have cell phones, what are they really watching?
When Satan gains control, evil comes in00! When evil comes in and is legalized you have no rights. Biden is setting himself up as a dictator!
All of those things are the result of sins of the people! You need to understand that! I will mention this over and over again: the 'Christian' establishment in rejecting the laws and commandments of God—in particularly the Sabbath and Holy Days—have brought this kind of attitude into America!
Remember we're going to keep: Unleavened Bread! Paul wrote that that a little leaven leavens the whole lump! The way that Satan does it is incrementally. The one word that is used to justify every evil under the sun is equal protection under the law and you cannot discriminate.
God tells us that we are to discriminate! Not against race, but against conduct! against evil! Now it is gaining full control in America!
Pray for those people who are working to undo it, because they will need all the strength they can get from God.
But for those of us in the Church, we need to understand that Satan is after us in a different way! That is to come after us and change the teachings a little bit. Remember what happened in Worldwide Church of God; a little bit! That's why I've told you that you need to get this paper:
The Passover of the Bible and the Church Today by Lester L. Grabbe and Robert L. Kuhn (1978) { https://www.cbcg.org/holy-days/the-passover-of-the-bible-and-the-church-today.html}
So clever were they with this, and so controlling were they with Garner Ted Armstrong that he swallowed it 'hook, line and sinker'! That's why they began to call it the Lord's Supper! But Paul said that you are not to eat the Lord's supper, in the strongest negation possible!
What else is Satan after the Church on? Think about it and we will cover it in a little bit.
I have a couple of things here to show you: This one is making the rounds, and someone even sent me a book on it.
The Greatest Lie of Earth: Proof that our Earth is not a Moving Globe by Edward Hendrie
People believe it! It shows that the Antarctic circles the whole earth and that would be approximately 60,000 miles of ice surrounding the earth! Think what that would do to the climate. Also, the North Pole is very little, and sunrise and sunset would be the same everywhere on the earth. And he supposedly quotes Scripture!
Listen! Rule #1: Scripture must be quoted for Truth! If it's quoted for any other thing, they make a lie of the Truth to serve their own doctrine!
Another one shows a picture of the true earth: on one side is day and the other side is night, and it shows the transition between sunset and down through twilight. On the other side from darkness through twilight in the morning up to the rising of the sun.
This is happening constantly if you were out into space and could view the world from either looking down at the North Pole or South Pole you would find this band of sunset and twilight going around the earth continually. Another thing is the Aurora Borealis in the Northern Hemisphere you would see constantly the magnetic power from the sun. You would see the earth turning. It's not a flat disk!
It's amazing, how people will believe anything! They can believe lies with the same strength and affirmation that people should believe the Truth.
Let's review something very important, which is Exodus. 16. We showed proof that 'ba erev' ends the day and begins the next day. This has to do with the Sabbath Day that this occurred on, the beginning of the Sabbath Day. The people were complaining because there was no flesh to eat.
- What was the command of God concerning manna? You get so much per person every day! If there are two small families then you get enough and share it!
- What did God say concerning the sixth day of the week? Everyday they were to only get the manna that they needed for that day!
If they kept it over it would breed worms and stink! On the sixth day they were to gather twice as much for days six and seven. They kept it over and it didn't breed worms and stink. Right there in the face of God and Moses and Aaron watching them:
- What did they do on the Sabbath Day? Some of them went out to find manna! But they couldn't find it because God didn't send it!
- How long did that last? Forty years!
You would think that after 40 years that they would know that they ought to keep the Sabbath Holy! But they didn't!
In Deut. 16 we saw that God sent the quail at sunset ending the Sabbath Day. That's when the quail came, because God would not break His own Sabbath, when He told them not to go out and get any manna on the Sabbath Day. What would they say, 'Oh, look what God did…!'
God sent it at sunset! Where did it land? Right on the camp! They could catch them, skin them and in about 20 minutes to a half hour they could start eating the quail breast, which is maybe 3-5 bites.
We had a member years ago who raised quail. He said that you could wring the head off and skin it, gut it and do that in less than five minutes. Then stick a pole right through the middle and start roasting it.
This shows that the new day begins at sunset ending the old day. They were to eat flesh between the two evenings. This proves that 'ben ha arbayim' is after sunset, not before! That's what the Jews teach and believe. That's why even to this day they keep a 15th Passover.
One other thing, there are those that say that Jesus died at the same time that the lambs were being slaughtered at the temple. Therefore, that makes the slaughter of the lambs at the temple correct. We will see that that is not true!
What ceremony pictured the crucifixion and death of Christ? It was not the Passover in Egypt! The Passover in Egypt was for the children of Israel. While the lamb was a type of the coming Christ, that does not picture the death of Christ.
The sacrifice of the lamb in Exo. 12—which was to be slain 'ben ha arbayim' on the 14th, which is after sunset on the 13th. That was for taking the blood to the two side-posts and the lintel on the house so that the 'destroyer' wouldn't come and destroy their firstborn. That's important to understand.
We also found that the command was for them (Exo. 12) that they were not to go out of the door of the house until sunrise!I just showed you that sunset, between the two evenings, night and then twilight in the morning and sunrise.
What's recorded in Exo. 12? The children of Israel did as Moses said! That's important!
Now we're going to cover Deut. 16! This is where the Jews say that God changed the Passover to a temple sacrifice. Passover always was a domestic Passover!
That's why you need The Christian Passover book to read that the Jews wrote about; it was a time when in every family, the head of that family became a priest for one day for the slaughter of the Passover lamb.
What you're going to find in The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, A Faithful Version all of these questionable verses that we have covered properly translated.
Sidebar: I got a nice letter from a man who said that he appreciated the Bible in the original order because all other Bibles have them mixed up, and there is a 400 page difference between Job and Daniel, but their back to back in the Faithful Version where they should be.
I studied Deut. 16, went over this, and it took a long time before I got the complete understanding of it. We're going to cover that today, as well. Then we'll look at the New Testament.
Exodus 16: "Keep the month of Abib, and observe the Passover to the LORD your God. For in the month of Abib, the LORD your God brought you forth out of Egypt by night."
When did He bring them out? The night after the Passover! This paper by Kuhn & Grabbe said that they kept the time the same way that we keep it today at midnight, so right after midnight Moses went over to Pharaoh! We saw that Moses told the Pharaoh that you will never see my face again; your servants are going come down and bow down to me!
- What does all of this prove?
- Why do I get so fierce about it?
- Because it's central to eternal life!
If you don't keep the New Testament Passover properly, on the right day at the time that Jesus kept it, you cannot renew the New Covenant! You have nothing to do with God if you don't keep the Sabbath and the Passover; that's the minimum that God will accept.
We read in Matt. 24 about there are going to be many false prophets and false christs that will perform signs and wonders to deceive the elect! Who is Satan after? US!
I have a report of a couple that have been in the Church for years and years, but they've been going to a Church of God that is 'blandsville'! There's nothing that they teach out of the Bible, so they just quit going. How many is that going to happen to?
Verse 2: "And you shall, therefore, sacrifice the Passover Offering to the LORD your God, of the flock and the herd…"
- What does it say in Exo. 12? You shall take a kid from the flock or of the goats!
- Did God say that if you don't have it to take a calf?
- Have you ever heard of the Passover calf?
- How are you going to burn all the bones of a calf before morning?
- Do you know how much meat is in a calf compared to a little young kid?
Number 1 key: There is no such thing as a Passover calf!
"…in the place, which the LORD shall choose to place His name there" (v 2).
Where were they to slaughter the lamb? At their homes!
Verse 3: "You shall eat no leavened bread with it…."
That sounds like the Passover, but it's not! Why? Because you're to eat unleavened bread with everything you eat for seven days!
"…Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it, the bread of affliction, for you came forth out of the land of Egypt in haste… [in trepidation] …so that you may remember the day that you came forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life" (v 3).
- What does the Passover picture?
- Leaving Egypt?
- Being protected from the destroyer?
Being protected from the destroyer! Transfer that to the New Testament! We need the protection of God against Satan the devil! Is he not the destroyer? Yes, indeed!
What's going on here? We'll go back and look at it and see that they left the next night after the Passover, because they kept the Passover in their homes! They all assembled at Rameses, and they were organized in their marching columns, and they didn't leave their houses until morning!
Have you ever tried to herd a flock of sheep or goats, in particularly goats? They are independent as can be! I mean, they'll go wherever they want to go.
Sidebar: I remember one time I was visiting a family when I first went to Boise, Idaho; my first visit out there. They lived up in the hills behind Boise.
I drove up their driveway and got up there and they had a big mobile home that were living in. it was a hot day and I parked under a tree for shade. Here we are sitting in the house and talking; I was getting to know them, their family and kids, and all of a sudden the man jumped up and ran out of the house. I was wondering what's going on!
I ran out and looked and here standing on the top of my car was a goat eating leaves!
Nowhere do we have a Passover calf!
Verse 4: "And there shall be no leaven seen with you in all your borders for seven days. Nor shall any of the flesh, which you sacrificed in the first day… [doesn't say Passover Day. What's called the first day? First day of Unleavened Bread!] …at sunset remain all night until the morning."
Read all about the laws of offerings. Peace offerings required the same thing; you're not to leave it until morning!
Verse 5: "You may not sacrifice the Passover Offering within any of your gates, which the LORD your God gives you."
That's really a tough one to figure out, because it looks like it's in direct conflict of everything we've been talking about. This is called the Passover Offering!
Everett Fox translates—The Schocken Bible: The Five Books of Moses—the Passover lamb for Passover as the slaughter meal! At sunset!
- When were they to offer the Passover lamb?
- At sunset?
- After?
- 'ba erev' is sunset
- 'ben ha arbayim' is between the two evenings
They were to sacrifice it 'ben ha arbayim'! Not at sunset!
"…at the going down of the sun, at the time that you came out of Egypt" (v 6).
Notice v 7, and this is the correct translation, and almost every English Bible translates this incorrectly:
Verse 7: "And you shall boil and eat itin the place, which the LORD your God shall choose…."
What was the instruction in Exo. 12? Roast it with fire! You shall not boil it with water!
"…And in the morning you shall turn and go to your tents" (v 7).
What does this tell you? Whatever they sacrificed at sunset they stayed up all night!
Verse 8: "Six days you shall eat unleavened bread…."
This is the only place in the whole Bible that it says six days of unleavened bread! Why would it say that? Because you just finished the first day! How many days are left after one day of seven have been observed? Six! Kindergarten math!
"…And on the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to the LORD your God. You shall do no work" (v 8).
Now let's look and see the timing of Gen. 15, which is the timing of the sacrifice and death of Jesus Christ. It started out at night. You count the stars and you [Abraham] are going to have a child from your own flesh. In the morning he was told to offer the sacrifice. Remember what happened?
Genesis 15:12: "And it came to pass, as the sun was going down… [how far down we don't know] …that a deep sleep fell upon Abram. And, behold, a horror of great darkness fell upon him!"
This is late on the day that became the Passover Day. This was a prophetic experience of the death of Christ. So, the only place that there is an exact timing of when Christ would die is Gen. 15. No other place! Anything at the temple had nothing to do with the death of Christ. That was instituted later. That's why you need to get the Passover book and read it. There is a reason that it as thick as it is and contains as much information that it contains, because it's the most important thing that you need to know outside of repentance and Sabbath.
That's why there are so many assumptions and attacks, and self-willed practices attached to the Passover, and attacks to the observing of God's days.
Please note this: Go online to Church at Home {churchathome.org} and watch the six segments that I've done on Judaism! You will be astonished that everything they do is their own tradition! It has nothing to do with God!
Verse 17: "And it came to pass—when the sun went down and it was dark—behold, a smoking furnace and a burning lamp passed between those pieces."
What happened? Those dead carcasses were completely burned to ashes! Had to be! Imagine how Abraham felt when he woke up and saw that? Remember, he killed the animals and laid them out. Then he falls into this deep sleep and wakes up and it's all burned up! Now, let's examine that thoroughly.
Chart: The Sojourning of Israel—and Literal Time in Egypt by Roger Tointon
{https://www.cbcg.org/images/books/Letter-March-2021-Special-Chart.pdf }
Exodus 12:41: "And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, it was even on that very same day, all the armies of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt."
That ties in with Deut. 16, which mentions nothing about passing over the houses. It doesn't! It talks about going out of Egypt. When did that occur? The day after the Passover! So, the Jews have the day right, it's the 15th day of the 1st month, but they've forgotten the meaning it just like they have forgotten the meaning of the true Passover.
Verse 42: "It is a night to be much observed to the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt. This is that night of the LORD to be observed by all the children of Israel in their generations."
Chapter 13 starts with the last verse of chapter 12.
Exodus 12:51: "And it came to pass the very same day, when the LORD brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies… [Exo. 13:1] …then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 'Sanctify all the firstborn to Me…'" (vs 1-2).
All the firstborn were spared! They were special to God. Later when they dedicated the tabernacle, they took a count of all the firstborn and compared that to all of the Levites and the house of Aaron. All of the firstborn became a living offering to God to dedicate the Levites. There were no sacrifices to dedicate the Levites. All the living firstborn who came out of Egypt; remember that was one year after they came out.
Verse 2: "'Sanctify all the firstborn to Me whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, of man and of beast. It is Mine.'…. [that becomes important in understanding Deut. 16] …And Moses said to the people, 'Remember this day…'" (vs 2-3)—which ties in with Deut. 16.
All the firstborn of man and beast were to be sanctified to God! Keep that in mind!
We're in Exo. 13 and I want you to pay special attention to what is said and then we will go back and read Deut. 16 again. We will understand what it means. He gives instruction here about getting all leaven out of your homes, everything. Because you keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, here's one of the reasons:
Exodus 13:8: "And you shall tell your son in that day, saying, 'This is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out from Egypt.'"
Remember, they could not leave their homes on the Passover night until sunrise. They didn't leave Egypt until when the 14th was ending and the 15th was beginning. That's why it's a Night to be Much Observed to the Lord in bringing them out of the land of Egypt.
Verse 9: "And it shall be a sign to you upon your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that the LORD'S Law may be in your mouth… [that's the whole purpose of the Feast of Unleavened Bread] …for with a strong hand the LORD has brought you out of Egypt. You shall, therefore, keep this law in its season from year to year" (vs 9-10).
Here is the law; it implies going back to what was to be done on that first day of Unleavened Bread, and it goes forward from there when they get into the land of Canaan.
Verse 11: "And it shall be, when the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites, as He swore to you and to your fathers, and shall give it to you."
Who was the first father He swore to? Abraham!
Now, here begins the key to understanding Deut. 16 and the sacrifices there called Passover Offerings. But it was not the sacrifice of the Passover lamb. That's what's hard to figure out about it. Let's see what it is.
Verse 12: "You shall set apart to the LORD all that opens the womb, and every firstborn that comes of any animal, which you have; the males shall be the LORD'S."
Remember, they had a lot of animals! They had sheep, goats, cattle, horses, donkeys and mules.
Verse 13: "And every firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb…."
How did they redeem it with a lamb? There was an offering for the donkey! Notice how important that it was.
"…And if you will not redeem it, then you shall break its neck….: (v 13). A donkey or a horse, or cattle, if you break its neck you lose a lot of value!
"…And all the firstborn of man among your sons you shall redeem" (v 13).
Think about this for just a minute: How many animals would that involve over a period of time? Every year you would have to redeem them, the firstborn of man or beast.
Verse 14—identical to Deut. 16: "And it shall be when your son asks you in time to come, saying, 'What does this mean?'…" What is he referring to? The redemption of the firstborn with a sacrifice!
"…you shall say to him, 'The LORD brought us out of Egypt by the strength of His hand, from the house of bondage. And it came to pass when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, the LORD killed all the firstborn of the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of animals. Therefore, I sacrifice to the LORD all that opens the womb that are males. But all the firstborn of my sons I redeem'" (vs 14-15).
What we are going to see is that Deut. 16 is not a commemoration of passing over the firstborn in the houses in the land of Egypt. That's the Passover. That's what they were to tell their sons. There's a difference in what this sacrifice was.
Here's the law for the Passover, and remember that the day after Passover is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Exodus 12:24: "And you shall observe this thing as a law…"
What was the law? You're to take the firstborn from the lamb or goats and sacrifice it at your house! You're to put the blood over the doorposts and the lintel.
"…to you and to your children forever" (v 24).
So, the 14th Passover was to be observed forever, and not combined with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, but separate!
Verse 26: "And it will be, when your children shall say to you, 'What does this service mean to you?' Then you shall say, 'It is the sacrifice of the LORD'S Passover, Who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our houses.'…." (vs 26-27).
Deuteronomy 16:1: "Keep the month of Abib, and observe the Passover to the LORD your God…. [STOP! that's a separate observation] …For in the month of Abib, the LORD your God brought you forth out of Egypt by night"—the Night to Be Much Observed! The next night!
See how easy it is to confuse the nights. But as we will see as we go over it again that the instructions are different.
Verse 2: "And you shall, therefore, sacrifice the Passover offering to the LORD your God, of the flock and the herd…"
What day would be the best day to redeem all your firstborn? On the day portion of the Passover Day, because on the day portion of the Passover Day was the day that they could leave their houses in the morning.
So, the reference here, as we will see, is not to the Passover Ceremony itself, but to redeem all the firstborn of man and beast. And to acknowledge on the day portion of the Passover that God spared all the firstborn in Egypt. Since there's so many it says:
"…of the flock and the herd…" (v 2). Why? Because all the firstborn belong to God!
"…in the place, which the LORD shall choose to place His name there. You shall eat no leavened bread with it. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it…" (vs 2-3).
These offerings started on the day portion of the Passover and went through the whole seven days of Unleavened Bread as well. There were a lot born.
Sidebar: Someone is going to ask, 'What about the firstborn female? Sometimes the firstborn is not a male, but a female. That was to be redeemed and put into the Feast allotment. So, those could be used by the family for observing the Feast.
"…the bread of affliction, for you came forth out of the land of Egypt in haste…" (v 3)—or trepidation!
It has nothing to do with staying in the house while they heard all the screams of the Egyptians because the firstborn were dead.
"…so that you may remember the day that you came forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life" (v 3).
Unleavened Bread! They came out the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread!
Verse 4: "And there shall be no leaven seen with you in all your borders for seven days. Nor shall any of the flesh, which you sacrificed in the first day at sunset remain all night until the morning. You may not sacrifice the Passover Offering within any of your gates, which the LORD your God gives you" (vs 4-5).
So, this Passover Offering was the offering because of the passing over of the firstborn and the redemption of the firstborn. It has nothing to do with the Passover lamb for the Passover Ceremony within the house! These were sacrifices to be given at the tabernacle or temple.
You will see that I have a whole chapter on Num. 9 in the Passover book and the dedication of the tabernacle. They finish this two days before the Passover. Here's something that solidifies what we've been talking about.
Numbers 9:1: "And the LORD spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt, saying."
The tabernacle was set up the first day of the first month. Then you read Num. 1-8 and that's the dedication by all of the tribes for the special offering that would come in for the priesthood and the Levites.
Then they numbered the firstborn of the children of Israel that they had that year, because there were babies born all year long. They counted all of those and compared them with the sons of Levi and took them as the offering of dedication for the sons of Levi. Then after that we have this:
Verse 2: "Let the children of Israel also keep the Passover at its appointed time. In the fourteenth day of this month, between the two evenings, you shall keep it in its appointed time. You shall keep it according to all its statutes… [tie in Exo. 12] …and according to all the ceremonies of it" (vs 2-3).
- What did they do in the houses? They took the blood of the sacrifice of the Passover lamb for the Passover and put the blood on the lintel and two side-posts!
- What would they do in the wilderness? They're all in their tents and they have a couple of poles to hold up the opening to the tent!
So, if they kept it according to all the instructions that you find in Exo. 12, then they daubed some of the blood on those poles. Later when the got into the land of Israel, when they kept the Passover, they would keep it at home and do the same thing, because they were to do it according to the ordinance.
- Was the tabernacle up and ready for sacrifices? Yes!
- Does it show that they took the Passover lamb, all of those of the children of Israel, to the priests and Levites to sacrifice them at the tabernacle? No! It doesn't say that!
It says, "…according to all the [ordinances] ceremonies of it."
Verse 4: "And Moses spoke to the children of Israel to keep the Passover. And they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month between the two evenings… [between sunset and dark] …in the wilderness of Sinai. According to all that the LORD commanded Moses, the children of Israel did" (vs 4-5).
We know that when the tabernacle was setup they did not bring the Passover lamb for the Passover Ceremony to the tabernacle to be killed there. All the historical accounts that I have in the Passover book shows that the 14th Passover was kept in the homes, a domestic Passover.
But Deut. 16 is the redemption offering of the firstborn, after the first Passover.
Deuteronomy 16:5: "You may not sacrifice the Passover Offering within any of your gates, which the LORD your God gives you."
This Passover Offering was not the Passover lamb, but the redemption offering, which started on the day portion of the Passover. It was all prepared of them to eat beginning the Night to be Much Observed.
That's a hard one to follow; it took me a long time before I figured that out. But the key is that Deut. 16 is not the passing over, it's the leaving the land of Egypt. That's the 15th day of the 1st month. And before the Night to be Much Observed you have the day portion of the Passover, and many of them would bring their redemption offering on the day portion of the Passover to the temple to be offered there. That's how it's called a Passover Offering, but not the Passover Sacrifice. That was always to be done in the home. All other sacrifices had to go to the tabernacle or temple.
Verse 3: "You shall eat no leavened bread with it. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it, the bread of affliction, for you came forth out of the land of Egypt in haste, so that you may remember the day that you came forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life." That ties right in with the instructions given in Exo. 13!
Verse 4: "And there shall be no leaven seen with you in all your borders for seven days… [tie in Exo. 13] …Nor shall any of the flesh, which you sacrificed in the first day at sunset…"—in preparation for the Night to be Much Observed!
So, we find a blending over of the Passover Day with the redemption sacrifices leading up to the Night to be Much Observed so they could celebrate the Night to be Much Observed as the night that they were leaving. It accomplished two things:
- redeemed the firstborn
And of course, there were other sacrifices during the Feast of Unleavened Bread to do it, because they couldn't do it all at the same time.
- a commemoration of leaving Egypt, not the passing over of the houses of the children of Israel
Verse 6: "But at the place, which the LORD your God shall choose to place His name in, there you shall sacrifice the Passover Offering at sunset, at the going down of the sun, at the time that you came out of Egypt."
This identifies the Passover Offering as something different than the Passover Sacrifice.
Verse 7: "And you shall boil… [Exo 12 says you shall not boil, so this is entirely different] …and eat it in the place, which the LORD your God shall choose. And in the morning you shall turn and go to your tents."
What did they do on the Night to be Much Observed? They stayed up all night! It was different then from today.
Verse 8: "Six days you shall eat unleavened bread. And on the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to the LORD your God. You shall do no work."
Now let's look at the New Testament, and here the translators messed it up, as well. This shows that even though in the majority of places in the Bible, the King James translators did an acceptable job. But in Matt. 26, not knowing anything about the Holy Days of God, they messed it up.
Matthew 26:2: (KJV): "You know that after two days is the feast of the Passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified."
If you have the books:
- The Christian Passover
- The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, A Favorite Version
- The Day That Jesus the Christ Died
You can see that flow of the last ten days of the life of Jesus!
Mark 14:1: (KJV) "After two days was the feast of the Passover, and of unleavened bread…"
It shows that it's different and they have that fairly correct here.
Luke 22:1: (KJV)—here's where they mess it up: "Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover."
However, as we will see when we read these in the Faithful Version, that feast of in Luke 22 the word feast is not there. What I did is translate literally.
Matthew 26:2 (FV): 'You know that after two days the Passover takes place, and the Son of man is delivered up to be crucified."
- When was He betrayed? Midnight on the Passover night! That's interesting, isn't it?
- When were the firstborn of the Egyptians in Egypt killed? Midnight!
God passed over the children of Israel. But here at midnight on the Passover Day, Jesus' last Passover, God did not spare Him! God did not spare His Firstborn!
Mark 14:1 (FV): "Now, after two days was the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how they might stealthily lay hold of Him and kill Him.
Luke 22:1 (FV): "Now, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called Passover, was approaching."
That's where the confusion comes in! Actually, when it comes to the day it was:
Verse 7: "Then came the day of the unleaveneds…" The word feast is not there! The KJV has feast inserted there! This is before Jesus took the Passover.
"…in which it was obligatory to kill the Passover lambs"(v 7).
Let's see something very important that Mark recorded, which helps clear up everything.
Mark 14:12: "And on the first day of the unleaveneds… [no feast, this is a literal translation from the Greek] …when they were killing the Passover lambs…"
We're going to think about this verse for just a minute. Killing the Passover lambs is before the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. When they were in Egypt and had the Passover there, they were to eat unleavened bread. It doesn't tell us whether they put out the leaven or not, but they were to have everything packed up and ready to go.
It said that they ate unleavened bread because they didn't have time for it to leaven, which means that the Passover Day was an unleavened bread day! That's what this is telling us. It's the first day of the year of unleavens.
- How did they collect the leaven? We read in Exo. 13 that it's not to be in any of your borders!
- How do get rid of leavening in a whole town? The way they did it was to have men come around with special tubs on wheels that everyone would bring their leaven out and they had a fire going in the tubs and burn it!
This tells us that the Passover Day is a day of unleavened bread!
Years ago they used to tell us that you keep the Passover with unleavened bread, but on the day portion of the Passover you could still go get a hamburger. The question would come up: Since unleavened bread is the sinless body of Christ, and we take that on the Passover night, why would we get up and go to a restaurant and have toast that's leavened? Then start the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
Mark 12 is telling us very clearly that the Passover Day is a day of unleavened bread, separate from and in addition to the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Think about the completion of this. The Feasts of God starts with the Passover, then the last Feast we have is Tabernacles, and one more day called the 8th day or The Last Great Day. So, we have a separate day to start and a separate day to finish! The bookends of God's Holy Day season! That's quite a thing the way that it's laid out!
Verse 12: "And on the first day of the unleaveneds when they were killing the Passover lambs…"
Where were they? They were on top of the Mount of Olives coming down into the city! There were a lot of pilgrims out there with their tents. So, this tells us that all of those pilgrims had a lamb that they were killing for the Passover just as they did in Num. 9. No mention of the temple!
Let's see where Jesus kept the Passover and what He told the disciples. Did He tell them to go to the temple and sacrifice a lamb? No, He did not!
"…His disciples said to Him, 'Where do You desire that we go and prepare, so that You may eat the Passover?' And He sent two of His disciples, and said to them, 'Go into the city, and you shall meet a man carrying a pitcher of water; follow him. And whatever house he shall enter, say to the master of the house that the Teacher says, "Where is the guest chamber, where I may eat the Passover with My disciples?"'" (vs 12-14).
This tells us that the Passover Day is an unleavened bread day!
Verse 15: "And he shall show you a large upper room, furnished and ready. There prepare for us."
What can we deduce from this? If everything was ready to go, and all they had to do was the setup, this indicates that the master of the house was already roasting the lamb by the time that they came so that it would all ready.
- Can you imagine the angels that were busy guiding everything to get this done the way it should be done?
- Who inspired the man to have the house and set it up and have it ready, though he had to nobody to come and keep the Passover?
I imagine that on that Passover Day it was filled with angels and Satan and the demons!
Verse 15: "And he shall show you a large upper room, furnished and ready. There prepare for us."
Let's see something else, because here in John 18 we find that the religious leaders kept a 15th Passover. Not all of them, but a majority of them.
John 18:28: "Now then, they led Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall…"
They came from where the Sanhedrin met to condemn Him. When the high priest said, 'Tell us, are You the Son of God?' Jesus said, 'You have said it, and henceforth you shall see the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven!'
- What did the high priest do? He ripped his clothes and everybody started blaspheming Jesus!
- What should they have done? They should have all gotten on their knees and worshipped Him, and accepted Him!
That's what they should have done, because Jesus told them that if you believe Moses, you would have believed Me! They took Jesus over to Pontius Pilate:
Verse 28: "Now then, they led Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall… [where Pontius Pilate was] …and it was early. But they did not go into the judgment hall…" (v 28).
Why? The Judgment Hall was Roman territory! That would be like going to another country. Here's why they didn't do it.
"…so that they would not be defiled… [made unclean] …but that they might eat the Passover" (v 28).
Did Jesus eat the Passover the night before? Yes! This tells us that during the days of Jesus there were those who kept the Passover on the 14th—domestic. There were those who kept the Passover on the 15th—with the temple sacrifice.
You need to read the Passover book to find out that the maximum number of sacrifices they could have had was 18,000 lambs. How do you square that with what Josephus writing that they had so many Jews at the Passover before the Romans started to encircle Jerusalem they had killed over 250,000 for the Passover.
But that was for the whole Feast of Unleavened Bread. In eight days, that's 30,000 a day, which we can't imagine! I got all the statistics, Edersheim talking about it and the most we could come up with was 18,000 could be slain during the time that had allotted for it.
One other thing they did was when the Passover Day fell on the Sabbath, the temple sacrifices for the Passover lamb were not anywhere near the evening. The Jews counted evening from 3pm on. But when it was on the Sabbath they started sacrificing the Passover lambs at one in the afternoon for their temple sacrifice Passover.
I know that all of this may give you a headache! I know it's difficult to grasp some of it, but I can tell you that it took me a long time before I understood between Exo. 13 and Deut. 16 talking about the same thing.
I know there are many other things I could talk about, but the most important thing is that we keep the Passover and on the right day and at the right time as Jesus commanded us! We reaffirm and renew the New Covenant of Eternal Life!
Don't you think that eternal life is important, that we do it right? Yes!
Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, A Faithful Version (except where noted: King James Version)
Scriptural References:
- Deuteronomy 16:1-8
- Genesis 15:12, 17
- Exodus 12:41, 51
- Exodus 13:1-3, 8-15
- Exodus 12:24-27
- Deuteronomy 16:1-5
- Numbers 9:1-5
- Deuteronomy 16:5, 3-4, 6-8
- Matthew 26:2
- Mark 14:1
- Luke 22:1
- Mark 14:12-15
- John 18:28
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Matthew 24
- Numbers 2-8
Also referenced:
- Paper: The Passover of the Bible and the Church Today by Lester L. Grabbe and Robert L. Kuhn (1978) { https://www.cbcg.org/holy-days/the-passover-of-the-bible-and-the-church-today.html}
- Church at Home {churchathome.org}: Judaism
- Chart: The Sojourning of Israel—and Literal Time in Egypt by Roger Tointon
{https://www.cbcg.org/images/books/Letter-March-2021-Special-Chart.pdf }
- The Greatest Lie of Earth: Proof that our Earth is not a Moving Globe by Edward Hendrie
- The Schocken Bible, Vol. 1: The Five Books of Moses by Everett Fox
- Josephus
- Edersheim
Books by Fred R. Coulter {truthofGod.org}:
- The Christian Passover
- The Day that Jesus the Christ Died
Transcribed: 4/13/22
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