Comparing some key verses in the King James to the more correct Faithful Version

Fred R. Coulter—February 8, 2025

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Romans 7 is the most difficult chapter in the whole New Testament, and all of the Protestants do not—not one—understands. I have had compared Rom. 7[transcriber's correction] and its true meaning with the 26 New Testament Comparisons that Joseph Ackermann compared with the Faithful Version New Testament. Not one of the 26[transcriber's correction]translations understand.

So let's get a little background for understanding Rom. 7 since it is the most difficult of the writings of the Apostle Paul. Now, some of these things we will turn to and some of them we won't.

What did Jesus say? Matthew 5:6: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."

This tells us the attitude we need in approaching the Word of God. We need to understand that:

  • it doesn't matter how long you've studied the Word of God.
  • it doesn't matter how long you have gone over whatever part of the Bible you have gone over

There is so much to it that you get inspired and understanding every time you read it. That happened when I was listening to Eduardo. That's what God wants!

{NOTE MESSAGE: Ponder the Path of Your Feet by Eduardo Elizondo}

It also says in Dan. 12 that at the time of the end, none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand! How do we become wise? Through the Spirit and Word of God! Not because we have better brain cells than other people.

1-Corinthians 13:1: "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal."

I want you to think of that. "…but do not have love…"

Let's read that again in the light of AI. Because everyone's going to be trusting in AI, which will be the entrance of Satan in his full evil!

Verse 1: "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels…" That's what they're trying to have AI do:

  • do the thinking for you
  • do the analyzing for you

That can be profitable in some ways!

"…but do not have love…" (v 1).

  • How important is love?
  • What is the love of God?

This is the love of God that we keep His Commandments

Coupled with the Spirit of God, then we grow in grace and knowledge. When we grow in grace and knowledge, then we can understand some of the difficult things of Paul or other parts of the Bible.

"…I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal" (v 1).

We can put in there all of the computers of all AI everywhere does not have love because it is a machine. At the flick of a switch, it can all go!

How do we understand difficult Scriptures? Isa. 28! You all know this, but this is important to understand and to always remember, and especially for all ministers and elders. If you think you know it, you don't know it; get your mind back in the Bible and study it even more. And furthermore, you live by it, you walk by it, as Eduardo said, and you believe it. How? In love!

  • Have you seen certain Scriptures, the pride applied to people and brethren without love? Yes!
  • What did it do? Caused all kinds of problems!

That is the story of the scattering of Worldwide Church of God, in addition to all the sins of the hierarchy, and all of the lackadaisicalness of the brethren; and many have not recovered from that!

Isaiah 28:9: 'Whom shall He teach knowledge?…. [God wants to teach us, but who is He going to teach?] …And whom shall He make to understand doctrine?…." (v 9)—because the greatest minds in the world don't understand it! AI can never understand it.

"…Those who are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts" (v 9).

  • What is that? That's a small child!
  • What is a small child? They're humble!

This shows humility! They understand the milk of the Word. Like it says in

1-Peter 2:2: "…yearn after the pure spiritual milk…"

He's talking to those newly converted, and you progress and you're eating food. You're not an infant that needs to be taken care of.

Now, here's how God puts things. This is particularly true in the writings in the book of Romans by the Apostle Paul, as we will see.

Isaiah 28:10: "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little." This accomplishes two purposes

  • for those who have the Spirit of God and love God and keep His Commandments, they will be able to take these Scriptures and put them together like putting together a puzzle; IF you put it together properly, THEN you have a full understanding
  • IF you are not humble, IF you are not seeking God, the reverse happens! When reading the exact same thing. We will see that in Rom. 7.

Verse 11: "For with stammering lips and foreign tongue He will speak to this people. To whom He said, 'This is the rest He gives to the weary,' and 'This is the refreshing,' yet, they were not willing to hear" (vs 11-12).

What is the thing they are completely adamantly unwilling to listen to, which makes all Christianity of the world sinful and liars? The Sabbath and Holy Days, and particularly the Passover, which shows the true sacrifice of Jesus Christ!

They blaspheme it every day when they take the Sacrifice at the Mass in a Catholic cathedral, which is a pagan practice. They blaspheme it every time they have the Lord's Supper on Sunday, which is not the Day of the Lord.

They don't understand because they will not repent and they will not submit themselves to the Truth of God and humble themselves to keep it! Realize that God will give us the understanding we don't need to put in our own ideas to think we can improve upon God!

Now let's look at something else that's very important. We learned from Isa. 28 that we have to take a Scripture here, a Scripture there, put them together, properly do it.

2-Timothy 2:15—Paul told Timothy: "Diligently study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of the Truth."

That's the only way that God can work with us: IF we study diligently. Then Paul also said:

2-Timothy 4:2[transcriber's correction]: "Preach the Word!…."—not ideas of men! But the Word, properly put together!

2-Peter 3:16[transcriber's correction]: "As he [Paul] has also in all his epistles, speaking in them concerning these things; in which are some things that are difficult to understand." And Rom. 7 is one of the most difficult of all!

So now let's come to Psa. 119 and then we will begin to analyze Rom. 7. Keep in mind that God said, the wise were those whom Jesus said were the ones who practiced what He said.

Psalm 119:18: "Open my eyes… [the eyes of the mind] …so that I may behold wondrous things out of Your Law."

This is what we need to do with Rom.7. Now, now let's add some other things to this so that we properly put it together. What did Jesus say about how we are to live? By every word of God! If there is anything of the Word of God that we do not do today, it's because Jesus has given a higher level under the New Covenant. And one thing He never did was do away with any of the Ten Commandments,,

What did He say in Matt. 5 17? Very important one, you should memorize this!

Matthew 5 17: "Do not think…"

  • Why is that important? Because that's the first thing that we do!
  • Are we not thinking all the time? Yes!
  • Do we not have a carnal nature that pulls us down? Yes!

So if we don't rule over our own carnal nature…

"Do not think…"—which means control your thoughts! And this one thought…

Verse 17: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill":

  • to make them complete
  • to make them spiritual
  • not do away with them

because you can't use the doubletalk of double-minded men who say that fulfill means if you fulfill it, you no longer have it! That's not true. It means to complete, as I brought out last week (in part #1): if you build a house and complete it, you don't burn it down. You move into it!

Then we have in Jer. 23 he says, 'the one who has My Word, let him speak My Word faithfully!' He denounces all of the false prophets who have the Word of God—which is all of Protestantism and all of Catholicism—but they won't practice it the way that God says!

One of the places they come to is here in Rom. 7. So, I'm going to read it from my old handy-dandy, trusty KJV. I can tell you this: before I learned the Greek and studied the Greek, there were some things that I could never understand, because we're all taught to keep the Commandments of God!

Paul uses the Greek word law 20 times and Commandments 4 times. The first verse is easy to understand. Think about this:

How can they say that the Law is done away right here in Rom 7, when the first verse tells us this even in the King James?

Romans 7:1 (KJV): "Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?"

Are there any qualifications to the contrary there? No! If it rules over a person as long as they live, how can you say it's done away? Well, as I explained before, As I explained before, IF you are obeying the Laws of God and keeping His Commandments, as Paul was, he said that he was within Law, meaning that he was keeping the Laws of God! Without laws means that:

  • you don't have the Law


  • you don't know how to understand it


  • you don't keep it

It looks like he changes immediately to something else. But that's not true.

Verse 2: "For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth… [that's clear] ….but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband." Notice the law of her husband!

Verse 3: "So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man. Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another…" (vs 3-4).

So they turn to this one here and say, you are dead to the Law!

Verse 6: "But now we are delivered from the law…"—close Bible! We don't have to keep the Commandments of God!

That's how they look at it. Now let's see what we need to do. Let's see what other Scriptures that Paul has written to give us clarification of what he's writing here in Rom. 7.

Remember what we said about Covenant Law. What is the difference between Covenant Law and Testimonial Law? Covenant Law is this:

You come to the agreement, which is the covenant. Then the sacrifice is offered (Gen. 15). With those sacrifices, God pledged His death and He pledged physical seed to Abraham, which He gave. Then showing him the stars, the spiritual seed! Two different levels of life!

Then those animals that were for the sacrifice were cut down the middle, spread apart, and God walked between them, and then the smoking furnace burned them all to ashes.

So, when Abraham was done with that, he knew that that was absolutely sure!

Now then, marriage covenant. They have it right here in the King James: that as long as the husband is alive or the wife is alive, you are bound to that husband or wife. If they die, you are loosed from being a husband or wife and you're free to marry.

Now then, one of the main purposes of the death of Jesus Christ—because he was the Lord God of the Old Testament—was that when He came into flesh and when He died, the covenant with Israel, concerning the Old Covenant, released Him and her (Israel) from that marriage,

Isa. 64 says that the Lord is your husband. So when they had the covenant sacrifices that we read about last time in Exo. 24, sprinkling on the Word of God, and then sprinkling upon the people, that is Israel, that that was a marriage covenant binding until death!

Now then, the choice of God was this: You either kill all the descendants of Abraham so you can be loosed from it, OR you can come manifested in the flesh as God, and we know how that is. We won't get into those Scriptures here.

God in the flesh, in the person of Jesus Christ—Who was Lord of the Old Covenant—died! That ended the marriage relationship between Israel and God! That had to happen in order for there to be a New Testament Church. But since He died, the only way you can have a New Testament Church is He's resurrected from the dead! That's what we have to keep in mind.

His death and His shed blood is that sacrifice for the New Covenant!

So the whole story begins back here in Rom. 2 Everything from here flows through Rom. 8. One long dissertation of:

  • law
  • grace
  • conversion
  • God the Father
  • Jesus Christ
  • those who believe
  • how you come to the knowledge of the Truth

Rom. 1—Paul talks about condemnation of all the sin of the wise ones of the world, which we covered earlier with A.I.

Rom. 2—he shows that there is a Plan of God for correction. Here is the whole premise of everything leading up to and through Rom. 7:

Romans 2:13: "Because the hearers of the Law are not just before God, but the doers… [practicers, the ones who practice the Law] …shall be justified."

What does that mean? Justified means put in right standing with God, because if you were living in sin, you were in a wrong standing with God.

Think about that in relationship to the Protestants. What do they have today? What they had is exactly what Jesus said in Matt. 13, that those who think that they have, even what they think they have shall be taken from them!

Whatever righteousness they had with the other nine commandments, that is evaporating right before their hands like a fog passing through their fingers; doesn't work. They're not in right standing with God.

"…shall be justified" shows that in order to be justified, you must repent, because that's what he shows in the first part of Rom. 2,  and you must accept the sacrifice of Christ, and you must be baptized!

Now we come to Rom. 3, and this one here was the hardest one for me to understand until I understood the Greek behind it.

Rom. 3—Remember what we just read: "…the doers of the Law shall be justified."

Romans 3:20 (KJV): "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight…"

Is that not in direct contradiction to what we just read in Rom. 2:13? I couldn't understand it. So, it wasn't until I got into understanding the Greek and the importance of the definite article with the Greek! In this case, in both of these because it looks like the Law has been done away, or you don't have to keep it.

"…for by the law is the knowledge of sin" (v 20).

Now, let's read it in the Faithful Version, because the whole lesson of the New Testament is missed by the Protestants, because originally they were fighting everything that the Catholics were doing! So everything was geared to denouncing Catholicism. They're more than kissing cousins!

So let's read it here. Here's what they never understood, because in the Greek, the word the is not there for law. And the word the is not there for works. So, that becomes important. So let's read it. This is exactly what it says, and this is why.

Furthermore, I had all of these verses checked out with what Joseph Ackerman did with his comparison of 26 different New Testaments, and none of them, none of them had it right. Here's the correct answer:

Romans 3:20 (FV): "Therefore, by works of law…"—not the works of the law.

  • See?
  • What does works of law mean?
    • We've covered that already in Gal. 2
    • Peter also discussed it in Acts 10

What did he say to Cornelius when he met him? Bow down to me, I'm the first pope. NO! He said that it was unlawful for a man who is a Jew to come to or keep company with a Gentile.

To practice that law of Judaism is a work of law, because that's not a Law of God. So, this is talking about 'religious' works of law by men, in particularly Jews, because that's what it's talking about here in Rom. 3. By works of law was their traditions:

  • washing hands
  • pots and pans
  • not coming into the company of Gentiles

Remember what happened when the elders back in Jerusalem found out that Peter went over to Cornelius and the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit and were baptized?

Why were they given the Holy Spirit before they were baptized? Because there was no other way to tell Peter that the Holy Spirit was going to be given, because he didn't really understand. That was his first excursion out of Judaism into the way of God for the Gentiles. So, God gave the Holy Spirit then.

What did Peter say? Who can forbid water, so they were baptized afterwards? That was the exception to show that there has to be repentance and receiving of the Holy Spirit, and that that was God's direct intervention to teach the whole New Testament Church that God is no respecter of persons as are the Jews to this day!

Romans 3:20: "Therefore, by works of law there shall no flesh be justified before Him; for through the Law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God…" (vs 20-21).

His righteousness, because He is Holy and True in spirit, and it also means justification!

"…the righteousness of God that is separate from law…" (v 21)—no 'the'! Why? Because that's referring back to works of law!

"…has been revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets" (v 21).

When I read that in the King James, I said that this doesn't make any sense! But when it's properly translated, and there are no thes before works and law, and you understand about the works of Judaism, this becomes crystal clear!

  • What does Paul say concerning the Laws of God?
  • Does he do away with them?
  • Does any man have the power to tell God what to do and what not to do? No!

Verse 28: "Consequently, we reckon that a man is justified by faith…—

  • believing in Christ
  • believing in His sacrifice
  • being buried in water baptism

—separate from works of law."

NOT the works of the law. That's what's so very important. Twenty-six New Testament translations have it wrong! The King James has it wrong. That's why it's hard to understand.

Verse 29: "Is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles? YES!…. [He made all human beings] …He is also God of the Gentiles, since it is indeed one God Who will justify the circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcision through faith. Are we, then, abolishing the Law through faith? MAY IT NEVER BE!…." (vs 29-31)—can't be!

  • How can anyone say that Paul is abolishing the Laws of God?
  • What did he say?

Oh, yes, indeed, we're abolishing them. Go do whatever you want. Go ahead and eat pork, rattlesnake, and all of that sort of thing, and have a wonderful time doing it. You in Louisiana who hunt gators, watch out for that gator meat, it might not be too good.

Notice what he says here: "…Rather, we are establishing the Law" (v 31). How do you establish the Law? By:

  • forgiveness of sin
  • receipt of the Holy Spirit
  • having the Law written in your heart and mind
    • Haven't we read that?
    • Isn't that what the New Covenant is all about?

That is greater than any physical temple!

Romans 4:15 (KJV): "Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression."

Let's look at that for just a minute. When does the Law work wrath? When you're transgressing it! The word transgression here is an ellipsis, which goes back and applies to the beginning of it. You could read it this way

(FV) "For by transgression the Law works out wrath; because where no law is, there is no transgression." That clarifies it!

You have to understand what the Greek is doing there. So, we've upgraded this to: "For by transgression the Law works out wrath…" The Law works love.

  • IF you love God with all your heart, mind, soul and being
  • IF you keep His commandments
  • IF you keep the Sabbath
  • IF you keep His Holy Days
  • IF you love your neighbor
  • IF you don't lie
  • IF you don't cheat
  • IF you don't steal
  • IF you don't commit adultery
  • IFyou don't bear false witness
  • IF you're controlling your mind and not lusting

Because every sin starts with lust in the mind!

Romans 5:1 (FV): "Therefore, having been justified by faith…"

That is put in right standing with God, your sins forgiven, you have received the Holy Spirit through baptism. You are justified!

"…we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Whom we also have access by faith into this grace…" (vs 1-2).

Grace means you have direct contact between you and God the Father! (Eph. 2).

  • Can you have anything greater?
  • Can you have anything greater in your life?

That IF you in repentance get on your knees and pray to God the Father in heaven above in Sincerity and Truth to forgive your sins, you are in His presence for forgiveness.

  • Is there anything greater? No!
  • Can you buy that? No!
  • Can you create that? No!

That is a spiritual operation between you and God! That's His grace!

Verse 3: "And not only this, but we also boast in tribulations, realizing that tribulation brings forth endurance, and endurance brings forth character…" (vs 3-4). Character based upon:

  • love
  • truth
  • faith
  • law-keeping

"…and character brings forth hope" (v 4)—because that's the hope of the resurrection! That's the hope of the Plan!

Remember back there in Psa. 57 it says that God will complete His purpose for us! That's an amazing verse individually!

Verse 5: "And the hope of God never makes us ashamed because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, which has been given to us."

This means from this point on, in talking about these things, that Paul also is including the Holy Spirit.

Rom. 6 we've covered—that is baptism, and you die symbolically, because the wages of sin is death. And the sacrifice of Christ in His shed blood covers your sins. Then you are to come up out of the watery grave and walk in newness of life. That means you live a life according to the Laws of God and the Word of God. That's newness of life compared to being a sinner, is it not? Yes it is!

Romans 6:11: "In the same way also, you should indeed reckon yourselves to be dead to sin…"

What comes to mind when you read the word sin? Sin is transgression of the law! The actual word there is lawlessness.

"…but alive to God through Christ Jesus our Lord" (v 11).

Now IF you do away with the Law, you're sinning because you can't do away with it. You're pretending that it's no longer in force, when it's absolutely in force!

Verse 12: "Therefore, do not let sin rule in your mortal body…" We will see that's important a little later in Rom. 7.

"…by obeying it in the lusts thereof" (v 12). This is telling us how we are to live our lives after baptism!

Verse 13: "Likewise, do not yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin; rather, yield yourselves to God…"—because you've been put in right standing with God!

  • you yield to His Spirit
  • you yield to His Laws
  • you yield to His Word
  • you let it be written in your heart and mind

"…as those who are alive from the dead…" (vs 13).

Because if we didn't rise you out of that watery grave you would be dead. That is your covenant symbolic death so that you can be joined to Christ. What's going to happen to the whole Church? The marriage of the Lamb and the Church!(Rev. 19). That's the ultimate fulfillment of the New Covenant.

When we receive the Holy Spirit, we are begotten again and there's no such thing that you are 'born again' now because you can't become a spirit being and you can't walk through walls.

You're begotten again just like a babe in the womb. A babe begotten is not yet born. The birth will be the resurrection of the dead.

"…and your members as instruments of righteousness to God" (v 13).

Here is a very important verse, v 14: "For sin shall not rule over you…"

Romans 7:1: "Are you ignorant, brethren (for I am speaking to those who know law)… [speaking to the Jews] …that the Law rules over a man for as long a time as he may live?"

So, under law means under the penalty of living in sin. You're no longer under law but under grace. Now, grace means that you are under the umbrella of God for everything in your life.

Rom. 6:15 becomes important when we get to Rom. 7, which I don't think we'll get to today.

Romans 6:15: "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law, but under grace? MAY IT NEVER BE!"

Let's see what it is under law. Romans 3:9: What then? Are we of ourselves better?…."

Are we better than anybody in the world? No! God has called the weak, the poor, those who believe!

"…Not at all! For we have already charged both Jews and Gentiles—ALL—with being under sin" (v 9).

So, under law means you are under sin and sin is ruling in your life, and you have the penalty of the sins ruling in your life.

Verse 10: "Exactly as it is written: 'For there is not a righteous one—not even one! There is not one who understands; there is not one who seeks after God'" (vs 10-11).

Sound like the world today? You want to know why the Democrats are in such a terrible mess? Because God finally brought the judgment upon them, because:

  • they're God-haters
  • they're Satan-worshippers
  • they're sex-worshippers of perversion
  • they want to foster this to the whole world

That's why Trump took down the USAID International, because they were sending millions of dollars out to promote homosexuality, perversion and transgenderism in other nations.

Verse 12: "They have all gone out of the way; together they have all become depraved…. [sounds like you're talking about the Democrat Party] …There is not even one who is practicing kindness. No, there is not so much as one! Their throats are like an open grave; with their tongues they have used deceit; the venom of asps is under their lips" (vs 12-13).

As I read that, I get the vision of this woman—Maxine Waters—standing there, shouting, yelling at this man who's guarding the door that was locked. And she said, 'Let us in! let us in!'

The Democrats are just hateful. The truth of the Democrats has come out because Trump won!

Verse 14: "'Whose mouths are full of cursing and bitterness; their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.' Now then, we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law…" (vs 14-19).

That means they're breaking the Law and they're receiving the penalty of the Law. Then it talks about works of law. But that's what it means to be under Law. The whole world is under law. Why? Because they won't come to God!

They can have their religions, and they think they're doing good. But those are their own works of law to try and make themselves look better. Those are not the works of God, because the works of God are the fruits of the Holy Spirit!

Gal. 5—let's look at the fruits of the Spirit. We will get to Romans 7, but it's important we understand all of these things. Here's what it is to be under law, right here:

Galatians 5:18: "But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under works of law." Those are the works of human beings with their own religious works, the works of the flesh!

Now let's read this and you will see that this is talking about America and the world today being under law or the penalty of sin because of their conduct, and it also verifies that Satan the devil has deceived the whole world.

Verse 19: "Now, the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness… [that's the first thing on the minds of Democrats:

  • all the perverted sex
  • all of the lying, cheating, stealing
  • all of the payback from the aid that they sent out to wherever they sent it

It's going to be so corrupt that it's going to be astonishing.

Verse 20: "Idolatry, witchcraft…" That's what they're promoting in schools, witchcraft, Satan clubs!

"…hatred, strifes, jealousies, indignations, contentions, divisions, sects, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such things as these; concerning which I am telling you beforehand, even as I have also said in the past, that those who do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God" (vs 20-21).

Those who say the law is done away and they 'are born again' are living in delusion that is so powerful and so strong that it's awfully hard to break it! But they have to come to that knowledge themselves!

Verse 22: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law" (vs 22-23).

Why? Because you are living within law! Isn't that the great commandment? Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and being, and love your neighbor as yourself!

If you're doing that, every blessing will come to you.

Verse 24: "But those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts." We'll see that's important when we get to Rom. 7!

Verse 25: "If we live by the Spirit, we should also be walking by the Spirit." As Eduardo said, pondering the path of your feet!

Verse 26: "We should not become vainglorious, provoking one another and envying one another."

Well, we'll have to save getting into the nitty-gritty of Rom. 7 for next Sabbath, because we need all of this, because everything that Paul is writing about in the book of Romans starts out right there in the middle of Rom. 1 and runs all the way through Rom. 8 as one long, beautiful dissertation of what it means to be a real Christian!

Scriptural References:

  • Matthew 5:6
  • 1-Corinthians 13:1
  • Isaiah 28:9
  • 1-Peter 2:2
  • Isaiah 28:10-12
  • 2-Timothy 2:15
  • 2-Timothy 4:1
  • 2-Peter 3:16
  • Psalm 119:18
  • Matthew 5:17
  • Romans 7:1-4, 6
  • Romans 2:13, 21
  • Romans 3:20-21, 28-31
  • Romans 4:15
  • Romans 5:1-5
  • Romans 6:11-14
  • Romans 7:1
  • Romans 6:15
  • Romans 3:9-19
  • Galatians 5:18-26

Scriptures referenced, not quoted:

  • Daniel 12
  • Jeremiah 23
  • Genesis 15
  • Isaiah 64
  • Romans 1
  • Exodus 24
  • Matthew 13
  • Galatians 2
  • Acts 10
  • Ephesians 2
  • Psalm 57
  • Revelation 19

Also referenced:

Message: Ponder the Path of Your Feet by Eduardo Elizondo

Booklet: 26 New Testament Comparisons by Joseph Ackermann

Transcribed: 2/12/25

Copyright 2025—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.
